How java is platform independent?

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How java is platform independent?..

Answer / tulasi

java is platform independent bec we written the source code
in java language and we produce the complied source code i.e
class file is in byte code format ,it does not depend on any
platform where u will execute ,so, we called this as
platform independent.The JVM is plat form independent it
depends on the platform ,it will change the class file into
perticular native code.

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How java is platform independent?..

Answer / rajiya

java platform independent because you can use any time and
any place and also different operating sysetem use.

we not required particulat platform .java programe
required compile time java virtual machine.

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How java is platform independent?..

Answer / hh

It means you can run the program on any operating system
having installed just the JVM installed.

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How java is platform independent?..

Answer / nk saini

java is platform indepandent because--------

ur choice are creates sourse file creates object code on compilation
diff version of compiler
4.diff software for hardware

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How java is platform independent?..

Answer / piyush raghuvanshi

If JVM is platform dependent. Then how can we say that Java
is plate from Independent language....???

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How java is platform independent?..

Answer / sheetesh kumar dubey

Plateform independent means.
That means making program in any operating system than run and copy program from those operating system and pest another operating system if program will be successfully run that is called plateform independent.
so java is called plateform independent

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How java is platform independent?..

Answer /

any language is plateform independent when it is hordware independent(processor) and software independent that language is called plateform independent.

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How java is platform independent?..

Answer / sushil vashist

Java was designed to not only be cross-platform in source
form like C, but also in compiled binary form. Since this is
frankly impossible across processor architectures Java is
compiled to an intermediate form called byte-code. A Java
program never really executes natively on the host machine.
Rather a special native program called the Java interpreter
reads the byte code and executes the corresponding native
machine instructions. Thus to port Java programs to a new
platform all that is needed is to port the interpreter and
some of the library routines. Even the compiler is written
in Java. The byte codes are precisely defined, and remain
the same on all platforms.

The second important part of making Java cross-platform is
the elimination of undefined or architecture dependent
constructs. Integers are always four bytes long, and
floating point variables follow the IEEE 754 standard for
computer arithmetic exactly. You don't have to worry that
the meaning of an integer is going to change if you move
from a Pentium to a PowerPC. In Java everything is guaranteed.

However the virtual machine itself and some parts of the
class library must be written in native code. These are not
always as easy or as quick to port as pure Java programs.

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How java is platform independent?..

Answer / sushil vashist

JAVA is not fully platform independent, as it depends on the
corresponding JVM which in turn is platform dependent.

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How java is platform independent?..

Answer / abc

Platform Independence means a program can run on any OS and
h/w architecture.
To achieve this, JAVA adapted d concept of byte code, that
is converted from source code, n this byte code can be
executed on any machine in d world.

To clearly understand, lets take C compiler as an exaple.
In C, the source code can be compiled in differnt OS like
Windows, DOS, Linux, etc. by using differnt compilers for
differnt OS ,BUT in migrating from one OS to other, the OS
added some features of its own n d result would be little
bit or even completely changed , e.g., if we
use "graphics.h" in C, it will not run on Win7....
thus C is'nt platform independent.

n Remind that Platform Independence also includes that, a
program can run on any H/W architecture i.e. on any

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