How do u implement locking concept for dataset?

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How do u implement locking concept for dataset?..

Answer / ananthi.r

When we update , the DataSet helps out with the process,
because it keeps track of multiple versions of rows that
have been updated. You can use parameters to set the
CommandText property of DataAdapter's UpdateCommand. The
SqlParameter class contains a property, called RowVersion,
that informs the DataSet which version of the value to make
use of. The DataAdapter judges whether the update worked by
considering whether the UPDATE statement have an effect on
zero or a non-zero number of rows. If someone else has
changed design (or deleted the row), the UPDATE returns "0
rows affected." If no one else touched the row (that is,
your optimism was justified), you receive "1 row affected."

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How do u implement locking concept for dataset?..

Answer / akash

One way to work around optimistic concurrency issues in ADO
is to lock the records your DataSet retrieves as soon as
the edit operation begins. This strategy is known as
pessimistic locking. Long-duration locks generally lead to
poor database performance and contention problems, but in
situations where an application cannot tolerate having
records changed while it is updating them, pessimistic
locking may be necessary.

With ADO, it's relatively easy to use a pessimistic locking
scheme. In ADO.NET, it's somewhat more difficult to set up,
but you can still use pessimistic locking in your
applications. However, just because you can do something
doesn’t mean you should do it all the time—what I’m about
to explain should be used only when absolutely necessary.

The basics steps for pessimistic locking are as follows:

1)Create a transaction with an IsolationLevel of

2)Set the DataAdapter’s SelectCommand property to use the
transaction you created.

3)Make the changes to the data.

4)Set DataAdapter’s Insert, Update, and Delete command
properties to use the transaction you created.

5)Call the DataAdapter’s Update method.

6)Commit the transaction.

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