Actually how many positive and negetive testcases will
write for a module?

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Actually how many positive and negetive testcases will write for a module?..

Answer / btech

That depends on the module & complexity of logic. For every
test case, we can identify +ve and -ve points. Based on
the criteria, we will write the test cases, If it is
crucial process or screen. We should check the screen,in
all the boundary conditions.

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Actually how many positive and negetive testcases will write for a module?..

Answer / praveen 9885734486

The above answer is currect apart from that a minimum of
1.6 times inputs in a test case

ex: if a form containing 2 inputs means atleast 2*1.6 ==
3.2 so atleast 3 test cases r required.

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Actually how many positive and negetive testcases will write for a module?..

Answer / prakash

We will right only 1 positive test case and so many -ve cases .

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