how to calculate the time complexity of a given algorithm?
pls give exaples..mainly for the coplexities such as O(log
n),O(n log n)...

how to calculate the time complexity of a given algorithm? pls give exaples..mainly for the coplexi..

Answer / s v s pradeep

Generally 0(log n) and 0(n log(n)) will come into picture
if u are dealing with the programs that have for loops
(where the increment is divided or multiplied), functional

Eg. for(i=0;i<n;i=i++)
Here in this case the inner loop complexity is 3n+2 where
the outer loop complexity will be in logarithm terms
because every time when we increment i value the, i is
multiplied by 2 so the no of iterations will be reduced ..
so when the iterations are reduced then we will get log(n)

so, for the above example the complexity will be 0(n log(n))
n-- for the outer loop and log(n) is for inner loop.

so multiply the no of times innerloop will be executed for
the outer loop. so n*log(n).
So the time complexity will be 0(n log(n)).


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