. A database table called PERSON contains the fields NAME, BASIC and HRA. Write a computer program to print a report which employee name and total salary for those employees whose total salary is more than 10,000. Total Salary = BASIC + HRA. At the end, the program should also print the total number of employees whose total salary is more than 10,000.

. A database table called PERSON contains the fields NAME, BASIC and HRA. Write a computer program t..

Answer / ibtu

Private Sub Form_Load()
02 rs.data source=" & App.Path & "PERSON.mdb"
03 rs.RecordSource = "select * from PERSON"

Dim CountEmp as Integer
For i = 1 To rs.RecordCount ' Read all the records from database

Name = rs("NAME")
Basic = rs("BASIC")
HRA = rs("HRA")
TotalSal=Basic + Hra ‘Calculate the total salary

If TotalSal> 10000 Then
DISPLAY Name,Basic,Hra,TotalSal ‘Display employee
CountEmp=CountEmp+1  ‘Count the employees with sal >10000
End If

Next i

DISPLAY “No of Employees”,CountEmp
End Sub

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