Why testing is required?

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Why testing is required?..

Answer / poonam g.

Testing is required to check that the application satisfies
the requirements.

Is This Answer Correct ?    56 Yes 10 No

Why testing is required?..

Answer / rajendra

Very good ansers are given by Poonam and Ram Prasad,
There is another corner for need of testing:

Testing will give confidence for the software development
company that the software will work satisfactorily in
client environmant.

Testing will improve the software quality.

Testing will also reduces the maintanance cost also.

Even the client of the software will get confidence on the

Byeee Friends

Is This Answer Correct ?    31 Yes 7 No

Why testing is required?..

Answer / ramprasad.s


Testing is required to Build a Quality Product.
Testing is required to Deliver a quality product.



Is This Answer Correct ?    24 Yes 12 No

Why testing is required?..

Answer / guest

1.identifing the defects
2.to give the assurence that tae s/w has no defects
3.to encure the s/w is behaving as per customer expetions
4.for qality s/w product

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 4 No

Why testing is required?..

Answer / vasegowda

Testing is required because:

Implicitly, it reduces the development cost by avoiding
regression of issues throughout SDLC, reduces maintenance
cost after deployment.

Explicitly: Testing helps in gaining confidence that it
works as expected in client environment,
Testing primarily helps in developing quality product.
this indirectly helps in growth of the company.

Thus quantity of test increases quality of product as none
can ensure that testing should be stopped at certain points.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 2 No

Why testing is required?..

Answer / thejkumar

Testing is very important because

1. To avoid user to find bugs.

2. To keep reliability in our product.

3. To keep quality in our product.

4. To stand in business.

5. To deliver a quality product.

6. To reduces the maintenance cost.

7. To save the testing time.

8. To reduce the rework.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 1 No

Why testing is required?..

Answer / sethupathy

Well, very simple.

Poor testing can cost any thing from life to money.

Micro processor can execute 1000000 instructions / second.
Assume the application gone wrong in the first instruction
that is been executed by a micro processor.

NASA's 120 million USD rocket blasted due to type casting
error as the developer used int data type instead of float.
London ambulance booking software failed causing deaths of
several patience those who needed emergency service.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 3 No

Why testing is required?..

Answer / anil nakhate

Why testing is required because every one want the good
product like, easy to handle, working as per expectation
like functionality working properly, Performance of
application of good, low cost, user-friendly. Etc...
that’s why testing is required.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 2 No

Why testing is required?..

Answer / narender reddy alala

Testing is required, to develop quality and bug free
product, to avoid user detecting problems and it saves the
testing time, reduce the rework.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 3 No

Why testing is required?..

Answer / ch.s.m.prasad

1. To prove that the s/w has no defects.
2. To learn about the realibility of the S/W
3. To stay in business
4. To ensure that the s/w worked as user expected.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 3 No

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