explain oops concepts with examples?

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explain oops concepts with examples?..

Answer / digvijay kumar singh

oops is logical view of the programming languages. it it
identify the charecterstic of the class 0r programming
it has some elements,if these elements is not fulfill in any
languages that not object oriented language.
message passing
runtime binding
security purpose objects

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 7 No

explain oops concepts with examples?..

Answer / noorjahan .c

OOP'S ~ Itz nothing but Object Oriented Programing
It mainly consist of

1.objects - these are the basic run time antities in object oriented system.They may represent a place,person or a data that the programer has to handle.
2.class - It is a collection of items.Itz decleration is same as of structure.The body of class is enclosed within '{}' & terminated by ';'.The class body contains the decleration of varible &function.
3.Inheritance - It is the process by which object of one class aquire the property of another class.
4.polymorphism - In this an operation may show different behaviour in different instance.
5.Encapsulation - The binding of data & function into a unit called as class n this is known as encapsulation
6.Abstraction - It refers to the act of represending the essential features without including the background details.
7.Dynamic binding - It means that the program code associated with a given procedure call is not known untill the time of call

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 2 No

explain oops concepts with examples?..

Answer / daydreamer

abstraction is the process by which data and programs are
defined with a representation similar to its meaning.
reduce and factor out details to focus on few concepts
at a time.

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explain oops concepts with examples?..

Answer / anuj kumar

object oriented programming concepts are mainly 4 parts
such as

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explain oops concepts with examples?..

Answer / nazeer

inheritence=as inheriting establish parent child reletionship b/w classes parent members consumed by child classes

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explain oops concepts with examples?..

Answer / ravi kant

oops is a extension of modular approaches of programming..
the basic thing are-:
class-:it is a structure.blueprint,skeleton of the object
object-:it is identities by its unique name,it represent a particular instant of class..
abstraction-:hiding only the unnecessary data.
encapsulation-:protecting our data..
eg-: school bag
inheritance-:it form a new class from the existing class..
parent class inherit the base class.
polymorphism-:it allow routine to use variable of different type at differnt time..

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explain oops concepts with examples?..

Answer / sunil

oops....its a object oriented concept....
this concept is used in different language for reducing line
of code,complexity..
oops having 4 important pillar.
*Hide unnecessary data and show only important think.
*we can create method of abstract class if method is
Abstract method.
* Binding data and provide security.
class A


class A binding all methods,variable etc..
and provide security.

same think but behave differently..
Same method name but different parameter...
ex..Method A(int a,int b)//A method name and 2 parameter.
Method A(int a,int b,int c)//A method name and 3 parameter.
Ability to create new class from existing class...
*inheritance variable,method from existing class
class A
int a,b,c;
class B:A

so we dont need to declare these variable again class B bcoz
these variable inherit from existing class .

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explain oops concepts with examples?..

Answer / akash biswas

oops means Object Oriented Programming Language.It's
combined with Data And Procedures.........
OOPs have following features
1.Class $ Object--Encapsulation.
2.Function Overloading
> > Polymorphism
Function Overriding

The Class Files only Understand byte code....


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explain oops concepts with examples?..

Answer / p.prakash

object eg:chair
class eg:class class_name
data abstraction eg:to abstract one substance
data encapculation grouping of essintial details
inheritence eg:
dynamic binding
message communication

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 11 No

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