what is exactly a tracebility matrix?

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what is exactly a tracebility matrix?..

Answer / rajeshwar rao

it is a document showing the relationship beetween the
testcase documentes and requirementes.

by looking at the tracebility matrix we can check all the
test cases are coverred or not.
by looking at the tracebility matrix we can check all the
test case are written as per the srs, brs documentes.

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what is exactly a tracebility matrix?..

Answer / sourabh

Tracebility Matrix is nothing but a mapping b/w requirements
& Test Cases

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what is exactly a tracebility matrix?..

Answer / nitin verma

This matrix defines mapping between customer requirements
and prepared testcases.Tracebility ensures completeness,that
is all the requirements of the customer have been completed.

plz correct me if i m wrong..



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what is exactly a tracebility matrix?..

Answer / divya

Hai friends, wat u told is correct, this is the document
which make easy to find out whether all the Requirements
are covered in the test case design or not.
The another main use with this form is in the case of
Regession testing by following this tracebility matrix we
willl comnduct the regresssion test for the failed Funtion
requirements(all the test cases , even those which got
passed in the prior testign)
k,correct me if i am wrong

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what is exactly a tracebility matrix?..

Answer / mithra

Tracebility matrix

It means it is a document prepared by the project
manager.It will be like a tabular coloumn.Test cases will
be write based upon the customers requirement.It will be
like a
forward requirement- Testcases
testcases- backward requirement.

we may write the testcases based upon the forward
requirements and the backward requirements are based upon
the testcases.

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what is exactly a tracebility matrix?..

Answer / shyam

Traceability matrix is nothing but mapping between Testing
factors&Testing phases.

By Using Traceability Matrix we can check all the test cases
are covered or not.

It consists of

Requirement ID!Description!priority!Test Conditions!Test
Cases!phases of Testing

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what is exactly a tracebility matrix?..

Answer / ramprasad.s


RTM is Designed to Map Between Test Cases & Requirement
RTM is Designed to Map Between Test Cases & Screen Shot.

Purpose is to Find any Missing or Mol functionalities.


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what is exactly a tracebility matrix?..

Answer / chitti

it means mapping between reqmnts and test case not only
mapping by we can test coverage (%).

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what is exactly a tracebility matrix?..

Answer / tulasiram yadav

Traceability matrix is testing that each and every
requirement is having at least one test case or not.

with the help of traceability matrix we will check all the
test cases covered or not.

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what is exactly a tracebility matrix?..

Answer / sharma

tracebility matrix is a matrix which give the information
about the test cases and requirment and also shows how good
the product is perform and in the questionable situation or
doubt situation

Like the client seek you that how good enough you think
your product is performing. So you can show the by using
traceability matrix like initially it was perform in this
way now it was working fine up its own

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