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please give me some solved question papers for entrance examination on banks clerk

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205 of 6 liter solution and 60% of 4 liter solution is mixed What percentage of the mixture of solution

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The difference between the compound interest and the simple interest on a certain sum of money at 5% per annum for 2 years is Rs. 1.50. Find the sum. (a) Rs. 800 (b) Rs. 1200 (c) Rs. 400 (d) Rs. 600 (e) None of these

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The first United States Solicitor General, Benjamin H. Bristow, __________________________ was born in 1832 and served in the Grant administration from 1874 to 1876. Earlier in his life, Bristow served as a lieutenant colonel in the 25th Kentucky Infantry was born in 1832 and had served in the Grant administration from 1874 to 1876. Earlier in his life, Bristow served as a lieutenant colonel born in 1832 and served in the Grant administration from 1874 to 1876. Earlier in his life, Bristow had served as a lieutenant colonel in the 25th Kentucky Infantry born in 1832 and appointee in the Grant administration from 1874 to 1875. Earlier in his life, Bristow served as a lieutenant colonel in the 25th Kentucky Infantry

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Calculate the area of the triangle in square cm if a right angled triangle where the length of the shorter leg is one third of the length of its hypotenuse. And the length of the shorter leg is 7 cm.

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ram singh goes to his office in the city, every day from his suburbun house. his driver mangaram drops him at the railway station in the morning and picks him up in the evening. Every evening ram singh reaches the station at 5 o'clock. mangaram also reaches at the same time. one day ramsingh started early from his office and came to the station at 4 o'clock. not wanting to wait for the car he starts walking home. Mangaram starts at normal time, picks him up on the way and takes him back house, half an hour early. how much time did ram singh walk.

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PL CAN ANYONE SENT ME RRB material superdent post questions

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One guy (some name) has Rs. 100/- in hand. He has to buy 100 balls. One football costs Rs. 15/, One Cricket ball costs Re. 1/- and one table tennis ball costs Rs. 0.25 He spend the whole Rs. 100/- to buy the balls. How many of each balls he bought?

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.A clock gives 4 ticks consequetively. After days it has become defective & gives only 2 ticks. What is the probability that clock produces 3 ticks consequetively. 1 out of ?

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