how can you describe the defect sevirority n
priority...mean low, medium and high... on what factors can
we fix that defect is major r low r medium sevirori and
proirity ???

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how can you describe the defect sevirority n priority...mean low, medium and high... on what facto..

Answer / kamana jain

Defect Severity would depend on the impact on business
wherein Priority would depend on urgency of the issue to be
fixed up.

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how can you describe the defect sevirority n priority...mean low, medium and high... on what facto..

Answer / neha

Defect Severity means that how critical is the bug for an
Severity can be of 4 types :
a) blocker - When there is a show stopper then it is a
blocker bug.
b) Critical - When application crashes then bug is critical
c) Major - When some functionality is not working then it
is Major
d) Minor - Any UI related bugs are Minor bugs

Priority - means that how important a bug is to be fixed.
1) High - Means the bug is of highest importance and needs
to be fixed urgently even if it has the low severity.
2) Medium - means that the bug is with the medium importance
3) Low - means that the bug is with the lower importance
and can be fixed is of low priority.

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how can you describe the defect sevirority n priority...mean low, medium and high... on what facto..

Answer / guest

Defect severity is defined by the tester whereas priority
would be given by the Dev lead.

Defect severity depends on many factors like how important
is the functionality to the customer and how severily it
effects his buisiness.And to what exetent our testcases
would be blocked because of that defect.If the TC NUMBER IS

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how can you describe the defect sevirority n priority...mean low, medium and high... on what facto..

Answer / gurudas.kulkarni

Severity-->will be showstopper,high,medium,low.

Severity decides the Implementation importance,
Priorty-->decides the Fixing the Time.

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