What is the difference between procedure and functions in VB?

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What is the difference between procedure and functions in VB?..

Answer / aftab

A procedure is a set of code that does the work but does
not return a value whereas a function accepts parameters
and does the calculation and does return a value back.


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Is This Answer Correct ?    149 Yes 28 No

What is the difference between procedure and functions in VB?..

Answer / sweeta chandwani

1:-Procedure is a set of code,it simply performs the job(work) which is assigned to it...Function accepts the parameters & does the calculations.
2:-Procedure does not return a value...Function returns a value
3:-while defining the procedure 'sub' keyword is used...While defining the function,'function' keyword is used.
4:-Syntax for procedure:
sub procedure_name(arguements)
End sub
Syntax for function:
function function_name(arguements) as return type
End function

Is This Answer Correct ?    129 Yes 8 No

What is the difference between procedure and functions in VB?..

Answer / prahant

Funcion returns the value and proocedeur does not return
the value

Is This Answer Correct ?    90 Yes 22 No

What is the difference between procedure and functions in VB?..

Answer / anjani k singh

Procedure is a bundle of code it does not have return type
Function Have return type and take only input Parameater

Is This Answer Correct ?    56 Yes 10 No

What is the difference between procedure and functions in VB?..

Answer / javed isa

1.Procedure accept input output parameter But function
accept only input parameter.
2. Function return the value but procuder not return the
3.Some Condition procedure return the value like text,
ntext,timestemp data type value but function not return
text,ntext,timestemp value

Is This Answer Correct ?    56 Yes 23 No

What is the difference between procedure and functions in VB?..

Answer / ramani ghanshyam p

What is deffrent between Procedure and Fuction ?
ans.1 A procedure is a set of code that does the work but
not return a value whereas a function accepts
and does the calculation and does return a value

Funcion returns the value and proocedeur does not
the value
1.Procedure accept input output parameter But
accept only input parameter.
2. Function return the value but procuder not
return the
3.Some Condition procedure return the value like
ntext,timestemp data type value but function not
text,ntext,timestemp value
Procedure is a bundle of code it does not have
return type
Function Have return type and take only input
procedure is block of statement that doesnot return
value,function is accept parameters and return

Is This Answer Correct ?    41 Yes 14 No

What is the difference between procedure and functions in VB?..

Answer / sudhagar c

Fuction return the value,but procedure doesn't return the

Is This Answer Correct ?    30 Yes 3 No

What is the difference between procedure and functions in VB?..

Answer / vipin tp

procedure is block of statement that doesnot return
value,function is accept parameters and return output

Is This Answer Correct ?    28 Yes 10 No

What is the difference between procedure and functions in VB?..

Answer / julie

procedure is a block of statements which performs a
particular task.In vb, procedures can be classified into
subroutines and functions.
Both subroutines and functions are block of statements.
The main difference between functions and subroutines is
that functions will execute some statments and return a
value. But subroutines will never return a value.
Both functions and subroutines can accept parameters.

Is This Answer Correct ?    23 Yes 5 No

What is the difference between procedure and functions in VB?..

Answer / shivangi pandya(cojit -->sy

*....Procedure is a set of code,it simply performs the job
(work) which is assigned to it....Function accepts the
parameters & does the calculations.

*....Fuction return the value,....but procedure doesn't
return the value

*....while defin the procedure 'sub' keyword is
used...While defining the function,'function' keyword is

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 3 No

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