what is the difference between stress and load testing

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what is the difference between stress and load testing..

Answer / geeta

load testing--Testing the application behaviour under
cetain load

for eg1: if an application is being loaded with 10 users
then application performance will be very fast for
the 10 users
(i.e Request/Respone)

for eg2: If an application is being loaded with 100 users
(load),then Request/Respone
will gradually decrease

Stress Tesing : Testing the application behaviour beyond
the limit
it meanse at what particulat point of time
system break to perform

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what is the difference between stress and load testing..

Answer / subhan.qa

the execution of build under customer expected load and
customer expected configuration is called load testing

execution of our build under customer expected configuration
and various load levels from low to peak to test whether the
build is working or not is called load testing

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what is the difference between stress and load testing..

Answer / rajesh.veggalam

load testing: check login performance under customer
expected load
stress testing:check login reliability under various load levels

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what is the difference between stress and load testing..

Answer / athilakshmi

Load Testing: Increase n number of users and check the
response time of the applications.

Stress Testing : Increase the n number of transactions and

check the response time of the applications

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what is the difference between stress and load testing..

Answer / sangeetha

load testing:
upto the limit how the system is working.for
example, the load limit is 1000 for that application then
we have to test upto load 1001.

stress testing:
beyond the limit how the system is working. For
example, the load limit is 1000 for that application then
we have to test upto load 999.

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what is the difference between stress and load testing..

Answer / rohituppal

Stress testing and load testing are performance testing.

In stress testing, the application is loaded and the resources like RAM required by application are depleted so as to check at what point the application breaks.

In load testing, application is put under load like the number of transactions are increased so as to check how many transactions the application can handle.

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