what is defect ,error,bug,failure and fault?

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what is defect ,error,bug,failure and fault?..

Answer / subhan.qa

A mistake in coding is called error,error found by tester is
called defect defect accepted by development team then it is
called bug,build does not meet the requirements then it is

correct me if am wrong

thnk u frndz
take care

Is This Answer Correct ?    92 Yes 11 No

what is defect ,error,bug,failure and fault?..

Answer / venugopal

Yes I Agree with u suban you are exactly right.

Is This Answer Correct ?    27 Yes 9 No

what is defect ,error,bug,failure and fault?..

Answer / mreddy

Hi Suban,

Ur answer is perfet y.ar

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 8 No

what is defect ,error,bug,failure and fault?..

Answer / sunil varma

According to ISTQB defect/bug/Fault are same.
ERROR:Any incorrect human action results in an error.
FAILURE:It is the devation between the expected and actual
result which was found by the end user is called as failure.

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what is defect ,error,bug,failure and fault?..

Answer / vijay

u r correct subhan

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 2 No

what is defect ,error,bug,failure and fault?..

Answer / akhi

When the actual result dont match with the expected result, that is called a defect

please correct me if I wrong

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what is defect ,error,bug,failure and fault?..

Answer / mohamed azath .m

defect means deviation . it is kind of two types
1, product requirement
2, user expextations

product requirement:
product requirement is a service .

for examples
if it is customer satisfied the requirememt of a
product to the value of adding a and b = c . but the
product has to be modelling and designation to the value of
c and b =c . that the product was follow as defect occurs .

user expectations ;
user expectations is to given a product to our
customer requirements . but the product missing one
application prtogrmming . so user expectations it is not
satified the customers ..

for examples :

if it is customer wants to print a document in
landscape mode and to print a document in envuelope mode .
if this option is not available for a product . so that the
product will not find the software . so it is called defect .

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what is defect ,error,bug,failure and fault?..

Answer / vijay

error:the difference between computed and theoretically
correct answer

bug:a fault in a program that makes the program to behave in
unintended way.

fault:an incorrect step making the program to run in an
ambiguous manner.

failure:if the software does not work according to its
specified requirements.

defect:mismatch between requirements.

plz correct me if i am wrong.

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what is defect ,error,bug,failure and fault?..

Answer / veerabhadra

Shuban ur answer is very excellent
Thanks shuban

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what is defect ,error,bug,failure and fault?..

Answer / mahi


Yes, U are right sohan.....

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