one man driving a car in a lonely forest .. it was raining
at that moment ...suddenly one of the car tyre got
punchured...and he is having stephiny in his car ...he gets
it and he tried to fix that stephiny...when he removes the
bolts of punchred tire all are gone into mud...all bolts...
fell into mud...and that bolts he never get...then, how can
he reach safely to home... by driving his car..?

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one man driving a car in a lonely forest .. it was raining at that moment ...suddenly one of the c..

Answer / pooja devraj

may b he shud gain some patience.

call up his ppl back home n inform he hv struck in rain..


wait untill morning.

search those bolts n get those crap fixed to d stepny. n go

till then he can sleep inside the car... till morning..

wats say...??

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one man driving a car in a lonely forest .. it was raining at that moment ...suddenly one of the c..

Answer / rani

bolts of the punchered tyre fell into the mud, not the stephiny one's...

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one man driving a car in a lonely forest .. it was raining at that moment ...suddenly one of the c..

Answer / guest

he had the stphiny tyre bolt so he will fix that bold and go
home safely

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one man driving a car in a lonely forest .. it was raining at that moment ...suddenly one of the c..

Answer / rajeshkannan.g


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one man driving a car in a lonely forest .. it was raining at that moment ...suddenly one of the c..

Answer / tejas

it is given that bolts of the punc. tyre fell into mud
implies that not of new i.e stephiny means the stephiney
has the bolts of its own

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one man driving a car in a lonely forest .. it was raining at that moment ...suddenly one of the c..

Answer / vinit n

The Stephiny Tyre got punctured, not the other ones!!

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