What are the phases in s/w developed life cycle?
wat is the diff b/w stack & queue...where do we use stack

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What are the phases in s/w developed life cycle? wat is the diff b/w stack & queue...where do ..

Answer / prakash.m

phases in SDLC

The phases may be diffred for different SDLC models.
some of the SDLC are

waterfall model(all requirements must be collected in the
first phase itself)
spiral model(processing looks like a spiral fashion,the
desired requirements can be added in next level spirals)
incremental model
prototype model

Stack and queue are data structures. stack is referred as
Last In First Out(LIFO), uses a single pointer
queue is First In First Out(FIFO), uses 2 pointers , one
for insertion and another for deletion.

stack is used for all arithmatic operations, eg. polynomial

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What are the phases in s/w developed life cycle? wat is the diff b/w stack & queue...where do ..

Answer / subha raman

stack follows-LIFO
-used to evaluate postfix/prefix expressions
queue follows-FIFO
-which has normal applications like-priority being given
1st..i.e. first come-first serve basis..

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What are the phases in s/w developed life cycle? wat is the diff b/w stack & queue...where do ..

Answer / rani

Stack follows LIFO. whereas queue follows FIFO.

All local variables and function calls are stored
temporarily in stack during program execution.

It is easy to manipulate stack operation rather than queue.

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What are the phases in s/w developed life cycle? wat is the diff b/w stack & queue...where do ..

Answer / shruti

The phases of SDLC are:
**Requirements gathering

Differance between stack and queue..

Stack follows LIFO structure i.e -> last in first out.
the element which enters last exits first..

Queue follows FIFO structure. i.e -> first in first out.
the element which enters first exits first..

with refrance to C, we use stack wiht the program counter.
i.e when we jump to a function, we store the address to
return to on a stack..

u can understand this in more detail if you study teh
actual flow of program while calling functions.

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What are the phases in s/w developed life cycle? wat is the diff b/w stack & queue...where do ..

Answer / asdf

Use of stack:
1) All local variables get stored in stack.
2) To store the parameters passed to the function
3) To store the return address of the function
4) To Evaluate arithmetic expressions.
5) In recursive programming

Use of Queue:
1)Used to implement OS internals algorithms (example: in
scheduling algorithms)

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What are the phases in s/w developed life cycle? wat is the diff b/w stack & queue...where do ..

Answer / nisha

Stack follows LIFO i.e last in first out.The last element
entered would be removed first while Queue follows FIFO i.e
first in first out.The element that ws entered first would
be removed first.

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