A normally pigmented man (dominant) marries an albino woman
(recessive). They have 3 children, one of whom is an
albino. What is the genotype of the man?

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A normally pigmented man (dominant) marries an albino woman (recessive). They have 3 children, one..

Answer / margaret

If the dominant normal gene is A, and the recessive albino
gene is a, then the man's genotype is


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A normally pigmented man (dominant) marries an albino woman (recessive). They have 3 children, one..

Answer / prussian embassy

To correctly answer the question, the normally pigmented
man would be "Aa": A for his dominant trait of normal
pigmentation, and "a" for the gene of albinism.

Reasons supporting this answer are this; for a recessive
trait to show itself by any means, it would need to be the
only factors in the gene. Together, they look something
like this.

A x
a |Aa |ax |
|Aa |ax |
a |___|___|

The genotype of the children are Aa, Aa, and aa.

For there to be a posibility of having a child albino, the
normally pigmented man must have the ressesive gene.
Therefore turning the chart above into this.

A a
a |Aa |aa |
|Aa |aa |
a |___|___|

In the end, it proves that the normally pigmented man's
genotype is "Aa": A for his dominant trait of normal
pigmentation, and "a" for the gene of albinism.

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 1 No

A normally pigmented man (dominant) marries an albino woman (recessive). They have 3 children, one..

Answer / taofeeq

The genotype of the man is Aa (He is a carrier of the gene
for albinism(a). The Child can only express the trait when
he/she inherits the albinism gene(a). The child genotype
will then ber aa.

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 4 No

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