Write a query to get 2nd maximum salary in an employee table ?

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Write a query to get 2nd maximum salary in an employee table ?..

Answer / sandeep

select top(1) a.salary

select top(2)sal
order by salary desc
order by a.salary asc

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Write a query to get 2nd maximum salary in an employee table ?..

Answer / mark berlin.

REM solution #1:
select * from(
select distinct nvl(salary,-1) as sal
from employees
where nvl(salary,-1) < (select max(nvl(salary,-1)) from
order by nvl(salary,-1) desc)
where rownum=1;
REM Solution #2
select * from (
select distinct salary from employees
order by salary
where rownum < 3
select * from (
select distinct salary from employees
order by salary
where rownum =1;

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Write a query to get 2nd maximum salary in an employee table ?..

Answer / sushant hole

select max(salary) from employees where salary<(select max(salary) from

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Write a query to get 2nd maximum salary in an employee table ?..

Answer / boby

select max(MAXI) from
GROUP BY slno)a

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Write a query to get 2nd maximum salary in an employee table ?..

Answer / naresh

select sal from emp e where 2= (select count(distntsal) from
emp y where e.sal<=y.sal);

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Write a query to get 2nd maximum salary in an employee table ?..

Answer / neha singh

select min(sal)
(select sal from
(select sal from emp
order by sal desc)
where rownum<=2)

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Write a query to get 2nd maximum salary in an employee table ?..

Answer / baburav zore

select max(sal) from employee where sal<(select sal from employee);

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Write a query to get 2nd maximum salary in an employee table ?..

Answer / akshay

Select ename, eno, sal, rownum
from (select ename, eno, sal from emp order by sal desc)
where rownum = 2;

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Write a query to get 2nd maximum salary in an employee table ?..

Answer / ahmad

Select Max(VacationHours) "MVacHrs"
from HumanResourcesEmployee
where VacationHours not in (Select Max(VacationHours)
from HumanResourcesEmployee)

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Write a query to get 2nd maximum salary in an employee table ?..

Answer / google

Select min(sal) from emp where sal in (
select top 3 sal from emp
order by sal desc )

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Hi, I am new in oracle(SQL), could anyone help me in writing a correct SQL. Below is the table structure. Table: Subsc Fields: 1. Sub_no (this field will hold values of subscriber nos, for e.g. S111111, S222222, S333333, S444444, etc.) 2. s_status (this field will hold values for different status of subscriber, for e.g. 'A', 'S', 'C', etc.) 3. cus_id (this field will hold values of bill nos for e.g. 11111111, 22222222, 33333333, 44444444, etc.) Table: Bill Fields: 1. Bill_no this field will hold values of bill nos for e.g. 11111111, 22222222, 33333333, 44444444, etc.) 2. b_status = (this field will hold values for different status of bill for e.g. 'O', 'C', 'S', etc.) Note: 1. The Sub_no is a Primary key of Subsc table. 2. The cus_id is a foreign in Subsc table (referred from Bill_no field of Bill table) 3. The Bill_no field is the Primary key of Bill table. Query A --> I wrote a query to select cus_id/Bill_no which is in status open (b_status = 'O') and having more than two active subscriber (i.e. S_status = 'A') in it ( i.e. more the two subscribers in same bill). select s.cus_id from subsc s where exists (select 1 from bill where bill_no = s.cus_id and b_status = 'O') and s_status = 'A' group by s.cus_id having count(sub_no) = 2 Problem : The above query will give the cus_id (or rather bill_no) which are in open status (b_status ='O) and which are having TWO ACTIVE Subscribers (s_status ='A') in it. However, this query will also lists the cus_id/bill_no which are having more than TWO subscribers in it (but only two subscriber will be in Active status (s_status = 'A') and the others will be in s_status = 'C' or s_status = 'S'. Help needed: I want to write a query which will fetch ONLY the cus_id/bill_no which are in open status (b_status ='O') and which are having ONLY TWO ACTIVE subscribers (s_status ='A') in it. B--> If I include the sub_no in the above query then NO row are returned. select s.cus_id, s.sub_no from subsc s where exists (select 1 from bill where bill_no = s.cus_id and b_status = 'O') and s_status = 'A' group by s.cus_id, s.sub_no having count(sub_no) = 2 Help needed: I want to modify the above query which will fetch ONLY the cus_id/bill_no which are in open status (b_status ='O') and which are having ONLY TWO ACTIVE subscribers (s_status ='A') in it ALONG with the sub_no. Thanks a lot in advance. Regards, Nitin

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