What are various authentication mechanisms in ASP.NET ?

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What are various authentication mechanisms in ASP.NET ?..

Answer / surender

there r thrr type of authentication mechanism in asp.net:

Form Authentication
Window Authentication
Passport Authentication

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What are various authentication mechanisms in ASP.NET ?..

Answer / mohini nalawade

Authentication refers to the method used by the server to
verify the clients’ identity. This feature provides methods
to authenticate clients via a set of standardized and
reusable methods that require little or no modification.
The methods available to developers are:
None – This method does nothing.
Windows Authentication – Attempts to verify users by
validating supplied credentials using authentication
methods used by the Windows operating system. This includes
NTLM (NT LanMan) and Kerberos (for systems running versions
more current than Windows NT 4.0). Windows authentication
is used by default if no method is explicitly selected.
IIS Authentication – Uses authentication methods provided
by the IIS Web server.
Passport Authentication – Verifies users through the use of
the Microsoft Passport authentication server.
Forms Authentication – Allows for application developers to
provide a form for authenticating users in a standardized
way. User accounts can be made specific to the application
and stored in the web.config file.

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What are various authentication mechanisms in ASP.NET ?..

Answer / ashok kumar reddy kamjula

Here is 3 type of authentication mechanisms are there in

1)Form Authentication.
2)Window Authentication.
3)Passport Authentication.

1)Form Authentication:- This authentication can use for
internet applications(WAN).
2)Windows Authentication:- This authentication can use for
only intranet applications(with in the LAN).
3)Passport Authentication:- This authentication can use for
internet applications, And single time login for multiple
Ex: If you login for Gmail, no need to login for Orkut.
Directly you can access the orkut.


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What are various authentication mechanisms in ASP.NET ?..

Answer / rohan more

there are four types of Authentication in ASP.NET
Windows Auth.
Forms Based Auth.
Passport Auth.
Certificate Auth.

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