Where do we need Operator overloading?

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Write a program which inputs 2 integers representing the sides of a triangle, a and b. Next, write a function which accepts the 2 sides as parameters and returns the hypotenuse of the triangle, c. Use c 2 = a 2 + b 2 To raise a number to an exponent, us e the built - in JavaScript function Math.pow() Let’s say you have a variable x and you want to raise it to the 5 th power, use Math.pow in the following manner... Math.pow( x, 5 ); This will raise x to the 5 th power. To find the square root of a number, use t he built - in JavaScript function Math.sqrt () So to find the square root of x, use Math.pow () in the following manner... Math.sqrt( x ) You must create 2 functions to receive credit for this assignment. Your ‘ main ’ function which is called from the button. And your hypotenuse function. Again, the main function calls upon the hypotenuse f unction when it needs that value. Get the user ’ s input, call the function, output your result. Create your own CSS layout

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