There are two lights one is green another one is red. green blinks 2 times per a minute, red blinks 3 times per 2 minutes. If two lights are start at same time how many time they blink together in 1 hours.

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There are two lights one is green another one is red. green blinks 2 times per a minute, red blinks ..

Answer / harsha

first light flash twice in a minute...4 times in 2 minutes..
starts at 0 and flashes at 30 60 90 120 ..seconds
second light thrice in 2 minutes..
starts at 0 and flashes at 40 80 120..seconds
2 lights flash coincides one time in 2 minutes (at 120th second)
therefore ..for 60 minutes ,2 lights flash coincides 30 times..

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There are two lights one is green another one is red. green blinks 2 times per a minute, red blinks ..

Answer / anand


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There are two lights one is green another one is red. green blinks 2 times per a minute, red blinks ..

Answer / muskan


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There are two lights one is green another one is red. green blinks 2 times per a minute, red blinks ..

Answer / jegathish

Green light blink every 30 sec(2 times per minute), and red light blink every 40 sec(3 times per 2 minute)..
green blinks 30,60,90,120,...
red blinks 40,80,120,..
so every 2 minutes lights blink together ,which means 1 hour=60 min......
so 60/2 = 30 times both lights are blink together.

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There are two lights one is green another one is red. green blinks 2 times per a minute, red blinks ..

Answer / akash r


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There are two lights one is green another one is red. green blinks 2 times per a minute, red blinks ..

Answer / ishwarya

For 2 minutes green light blinks 4 times (2 times in 1 minute means 4 times in 2 minutes)
For the same two minutes starting at the same time red light blinks 3 times.
So for the first two minutes both the light together blinks 7 times.
2 mins---->7 times (7*(2/2))
4 mins---->14 times (7*(4/2))
6 mins---->21 times (7*(6/2))
8 mins---->28 times (7*(8/2))
60 mins---->210 times (7*(60/2))

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There are two lights one is green another one is red. green blinks 2 times per a minute, red blinks ..

Answer / vpkprasana

for a hour 60 min
for green 60x2=120
red =60x3=180
so 12+180=300

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