void main()
//char ch;
unsigned char ch;

for(ch =0;ch<= 127; ch++)
printf(" %c= %d \t ", ch, ch);

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void main() { //char ch; unsigned char ch; clrscr(); for(ch =0;ch<= 127; ch++) printf(&q..

Answer / honey


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void main() { //char ch; unsigned char ch; clrscr(); for(ch =0;ch<= 127; ch++) printf(&q..

Answer / sorab aggarwal

It will print all the characters including(special characters,a to z,A to Z characters)from 0 to 127 range becoz "Ch"variable in unsigned nature so it only deals with positive range not negative ..

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void main() { //char ch; unsigned char ch; clrscr(); for(ch =0;ch<= 127; ch++) printf(&q..

Answer / guest


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void main() { //char ch; unsigned char ch; clrscr(); for(ch =0;ch<= 127; ch++) printf(&q..

Answer / manju

it will print charcter value till 127
Compiling the source code....
$gcc main.c -o demo -lm -pthread -lgmp -lreadline 2>&1

Executing the program....
= 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9
= 10 = 11 = 12
= 13 = 14 = 15 = 16 = 17 = 18 = 19 = 20 = 21 = 22 = 23 = 24 = 25 = 26 = 27 = 28 = 29 = 30 = 31 = 32 != 33 "= 34 #= 35 $= 36 %= 37 &= 38 '= 39 (= 40 )= 41 *= 42 += 43 ,= 44 -= 45 .= 46 /= 47 0= 48 1= 49 2= 50 3= 51 4= 52 5= 53 6= 54 7= 55 8= 56 9= 57 := 58 ;= 59 <= 60 == 61 >= 62 ?= 63 @= 64 A= 65 B= 66 C= 67 D= 68 E= 69 F= 70 G= 71 H= 72 I= 73 J= 74 K= 75 L= 76 M= 77 N= 78 O= 79 P= 80 Q= 81 R= 82 S= 83 T= 84 U= 85 V= 86 W= 87 X= 88 Y= 89 Z= 90 [= 91 \= 92 ]= 93 ^= 94 _= 95 `= 96 a= 97 b= 98 c= 99 d= 100 e= 101 f= 102 g= 103 h= 104 i= 105 j= 106 k= 107 l= 108 m= 109 n= 110 o= 111 p= 112 q= 113 r= 114 s= 115 t= 116 u= 117 v= 118 w= 119 x= 120 y= 121 z= 122 {= 123 |= 124 }= 125 ~= 126 = 127

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

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