Find out the distinct numbers that can be formed by 2, 3,
7, 6(don?t now exactly) that should be divided by 4?

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Find out the distinct numbers that can be formed by 2, 3, 7, 6(don?t now exactly) that should be d..

Answer / bagesh kumar bagi

possible number is 8.
numbers are
these r possible number.

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Find out the distinct numbers that can be formed by 2, 3, 7, 6(don?t now exactly) that should be d..

Answer / subbu

for a number to be divisible by 4, last two digits must be
divisble by 4.
so 32,36,72,76 are the only for possible combinations at
the last two positions.
The first position can be filled in 4 ways and similarly
second position also can be filled in 4 ways. so totally in
4*4=16 way for filling firt two positions.
So totally 16+4=20 distinct numbers can be formed

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Find out the distinct numbers that can be formed by 2, 3, 7, 6(don?t now exactly) that should be d..

Answer / krishnapriya s

from the given digits ,the numbers ending with the
following combinations are divisible by 4, ie 76,72,36 and
32( so 4 chances)
first and second positions can be filled by the remaining
two didgits in two ways 2*2=4
hence the total distinct numbers that can be obtained is

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Find out the distinct numbers that can be formed by 2, 3, 7, 6(don?t now exactly) that should be d..

Answer / lajapathy

last two numbers are any one of 32,36,72,76
first digit 4C1 second digit 4C1
so 4C1 X 4C1 X 4(four combinations of last two digits)
= 64

64 possible ways

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Find out the distinct numbers that can be formed by 2, 3, 7, 6(don?t now exactly) that should be d..

Answer / priya

considering the different numbers with
23 (67/76) - 2 numbers
26 (37/73) - 2 numbers
27 (36/63) - 2 numbers

totally 6 numbers

In the same way 6 numbers can be formed for the rest 3
numbers (3,7,6), so totally 24 distinct numbers can be

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