Testing Tools Online Training

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More Manual Testing Interview Questions

Difference between QA and Testing?

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what are the exact testing types you involved when testing the webapplication testing and clent server application testing?have u find differene interms of testig?

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can anybody tell me during interview which type of question raised in project round

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What are the various black box and white box testing techniques?

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what is seviority and priority, and who will assign seviority and priority and High seviority and high priority , High seviority and Low priority and Low seviority and High priority and Low seviority and Low priority-- pls, if you know really give the answer,because in every interview they are asking plssssssss

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What is the Configuration Management?

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what is project testing & product testing, and what is the differene ? plz explan with example

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Wht is Testing Frame work.Is it same in the Manual and Automation testing. can body can explain it in detail.. Thanks in advance G Laxmi narayana...

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is retesting and regression same

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The degree to which the software LOC of a program has been tested is called A.Data flow testing B.Code coverage C.Code walk through D.Statement coverage

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explain - Test plan, Test case, test scenario, test data, test report,

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Which criteria should take in account while doing CMS testing of any project?

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