i have a phone with 2 buttons first one is a record button
second one will attach the audio to mail can you tell me
test case for this ?

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i have a phone with 2 buttons first one is a record button and second one will attach the audio..

Answer / samprathi

The test cases for actions,steps to execute,actions and expected result would be:-

TC1- pick up the phone and press the button which says record ; pressing the first button i.e, No.1 ; the first button record should the user to ask to record

TC2 -pick up the phone and press the button which says record ; pressing the first button i.e, No.1 ; the first button record not asking the user to ask to record but instead a beep sound is heard by the user.

TC3 - press the button which says audio ; pressing the second button i.e., No.2 ; the audio should connect to mailbox and user must be able to access his/her mail box

TC4 - press the button which says audio ; pressing the second button i.e., No.2 ; the audio not connecting to mailbox and user hears a beep sound.

Plz correct me.

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i have a phone with 2 buttons first one is a record button and second one will attach the audio..

Answer / mudaseer

click on the first button that is voice recorder
then voice recorder should open then there will be 2 buttons
in voice recorder first one is record and second one is list
when i click on record it should start
recording and when i click on pause it should automatically
save and when i click on stop it should automatically save the
recording when i click on list it should list the recorded files

when i click on second button it should ask which recorded file to be attached (similar to browse when we attach a photo in gmail)because there may be more than one recorded files when i click on a particular recorded file it should
attach the file to mail

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