write the system testcase and functional testcase for the
below scenario
scenario: view the balance in online account

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write the system testcase and functional testcase for the below scenario scenario: view the balan..

Answer / ramendra singh

System test case and functional test case for the mentioned
scenario are
1. User should be able to log in into the system with
provided credntials(If any)
2. User should be able to view the account details on log
in into system
3 User should be able to view the balance on selecting the
option balance
4. User should be able to logout the application after
viewing the balance
5. User should be able to log out and screen should get
closed after the log out

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 0 No

write the system testcase and functional testcase for the below scenario scenario: view the balan..

Answer / dinesh

system tescase will cover functional testcases also.

Testcase for the above scenario 'view the balance in online

1. Verify whether the correct balance is showing by the
application for the correct account number.

2. Verify whether the correct balance is showing by the
application for the correct account number when the account
balance is increased.

3. Verify whether the correct balance is showing by the
application for the correct account number when the account
balance is decreased.

Here I have not written any negative testcases as well
as any validation testcases.I have written only positive
system testcases which covers functionality also.

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 7 No

write the system testcase and functional testcase for the below scenario scenario: view the balan..

Answer / umesh7a

These should be test cases

1.User should be login into the account with valid user id
and password.
2. After login into the system there should be an option for
checking the balance.
3.After choosing that option balance status should be
visible to the user.
4.After viewing the balance there should be an option for
logout from the account.
5.Choosing the option for Logout user should be successfully
logout from the system.

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 5 No

write the system testcase and functional testcase for the below scenario scenario: view the balan..

Answer / raju

case1:enter valid userid&passward,click on ok button.
case2:click on checking balance option
case3:click on logout

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 1 No

write the system testcase and functional testcase for the below scenario scenario: view the balan..

Answer / sourabh dongardiye

1. User should have online banking and the valid id and password
2. User should have valid a/c and with type a/c he/she has have.
3 check the links are connected or not.
4 check the load factor.
5 check the a/c information.
6 Url should have be work.
7 check the login and logout.
8 check the updating the a/c after any change in the a/c balance
9 Verify whether the correct balance is showing .

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

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