Why do we need Three environments Like DEV, UAT, PROD. Need
detailed answer please

Why do we need Three environments Like DEV, UAT, PROD. Need detailed answer please..

Answer / rajesh

We need three environments like DEV UAT PROD
since in an company or organization if all are accessing the same live database for getting data, obvious there will be low performance ...
so the companies have found a new technique
DEV is for developer and they will have an sample data of the historical db to test there coding
UAT is User Acceptance Testing which uses 80 percentile of data from the database to test their coding
PROD is for production which have an Live database for accessing the db and testing too.
PRIDE is for the managers and some people too for accessing the live db which has been split from the actual live db.

LIVE db have recent files too
but sample doesnt have live db
80 percentile has the live db before few days like historical only

note:PRIDE is not used in all organisation.

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