i am having a table having name cust_employee.i use this
table in my model after i published that to cognos
connection .i generate some reports.
after that in my data base cust_employee table is changed
to cust_emp.how can i get this table into my report.i again
import and published means its time consuming,in simple how
can get the changed table in to my model pls pls ans me....

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i am having a table having name cust_employee.i use this table in my model after i published that t..

Answer / lakshmi

How about creating a synonym at the database level?

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i am having a table having name cust_employee.i use this table in my model after i published that t..

Answer / shreyas

Without Importing the table into Model just change the sql
of the Table.
For Example: Initial in model the database layer Query
Subject contains as Select * From [Datasource Name].
Replace with
Select * From [Datasource Name]. NeWTableName
and publish.

This is one of the method.

Second Method:

In report studio Create a sql Query and point the report to
samequery. (this is simple without importing and publishing
the pakage)

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