What is serialization ?which function is responsible for
serializing data ?

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What is serialization ?which function is responsible for serializing data ? ..

Answer / satheeshkedarisetti

Serialization is used for object persitence. using this you
can store your object current state in disk. The same state
you can get after restarting your application.

A serializable class usually has a Serialize member
function, and it usually uses the DECLARE_SERIAL and
IMPLEMENT_SERIAL macros, as described under class CObject.

The overloaded extraction (>>) and insertion (<<) operators
are convenient archive programming interfaces that support
both primitive types and CObject-derived classes.

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What is serialization ?which function is responsible for serializing data ? ..

Answer / rck

serialization means writing data to the file and reading
data from the file.
This is supported by CArchive class and the function is

serialize function is like
//code for storing data
//Code for loading data

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What is serialization ?which function is responsible for serializing data ? ..

Answer / ctharam

Serialization means conversion of Objects from bytes into streaming...and store those data in a External storage like Hard Disk.

Serialize is called by CArchive::ReadObject and CArchive::WriteObject.

Use CArchive::IsLoading or CArchive::IsStoring to determine whether the archive is loading or storing.


// example for CObject::Serialize
void CAge::Serialize( CArchive& ar )
CObject::Serialize( ar );
if( ar.IsStoring() )
ar << m_years;
ar >> m_years;

IsLoading() :-

int i;
extern CArchive ar;
if( ar.IsLoading() )
ar >> i;
ar << i;

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What is serialization ?which function is responsible for serializing data ? ..

Answer / manish(yugma)

Serialization is a process used to read and write object
from and to secondary storage device respectively.Base
class is CArchive class of MFC. it is used basically in
doc-view architecture programming.DECLARE_SERIAL and
IMPLEMENT_SERIAL macro is used in header and .cpp file
respectively, which has to be serialize.

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What is serialization ?which function is responsible for serializing data ? ..

Answer / abhijit

Adding to the above mentioned points i would like to add
the following:

Serialize() function has to be overridden to take advantage
of serialisation support

DECLARE_SERIAL macro provides prototypes for serialisation

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