Building Quotation engine program

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Building Quotation engine program..

Answer / perfdev

TravelInsuranceQuoteTests --> DataLayer --> CustomerPremiumTests.cs

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using NUnit.Core;
using NUnit.Framework;
using TravelInsuranceQuote.DataLayer;

namespace TravelInsuranceQuoteTests.DataLayer
public class CustomerPremiumTests
public void CustomerPremium_CanCreateObject()
var customerPremium = new CustomerPremium();
Assert.That(customerPremium, Is.Not.Null);
Assert.That(customerPremium, Is.TypeOf<CustomerPremium>());

public void CustomerPremium_CanSetProperties()
var customerPremium = new CustomerPremium
Base = 10.00,
Age = new double[] { 20.00, 4.00 },
Sex = new double[] { 20.00, 4.00 },
Destination = new double[] { 20.00, 4.00 },
TravelPeriod = new double[] { 20.00, 4.00 },
Tax = new double[] { 20.00, 4.00 },
Total = 30.00

Assert.That(customerPremium.Base, Is.EqualTo(10.00));
Assert.That(customerPremium.Age[0], Is.EqualTo(20.00));
Assert.That(customerPremium.Sex[1], Is.EqualTo(4.00));
Assert.That(customerPremium.Destination[0], Is.EqualTo(20.00));
Assert.That(customerPremium.TravelPeriod[1], Is.EqualTo(4.00));
Assert.That(customerPremium.Tax[0], Is.EqualTo(20.00));
Assert.That(customerPremium.Total, Is.EqualTo(30.00));



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using NUnit.Core;
using NUnit.Framework;
using TravelInsuranceQuote.DataLayer;

namespace TravelInsuranceQuoteTests.DataLayer
public class CustomerTests
public void Customer_CanCreateObject()
var customer = new Customer();
Assert.That(customer, Is.Not.Null);
Assert.That(customer, Is.TypeOf<Customer>());

public void Customer_CanSetProperties()
var customer = new Customer {
TripType = TripType.Single,
Sex = Sex.Male,
Destination = Destination.Europe,
Age = 20,
TravelPeriod = 1
Assert.That(customer.TripType, Is.EqualTo(TripType.Single));
Assert.That(customer.Sex, Is.EqualTo(Sex.Male));
Assert.That(customer.Destination, Is.EqualTo(Destination.Europe));
Assert.That(customer.Age, Is.EqualTo(20));
Assert.That(customer.TravelPeriod, Is.EqualTo(1));

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Building Quotation engine program..

Answer / testndl002

BusinessLayer --> QuoteEngine.cs

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using TravelInsuranceQuote.DataLayer;

namespace TravelInsuranceQuote.BusinessLayer
public class QuoteEngine

public double GetBasePremium(TripType tripType)
double basePremium = 0;
switch (tripType)
case TripType.Single:
basePremium = 20.00;
case TripType.Annual:
basePremium = 80.00;
return basePremium;

public double GetAgeRating(int age)
if (age <= 18)
return 1.2;
else if (age <= 45)
return 1.0;
else if (age <= 55)
return 1.2;
else if (age <= 65)
return 1.8;
else if (age <= 70)
return 2.0;
return 0;

public double GetSexRating(Sex sex)
double sexRating = 0;
switch (sex)
case Sex.Male:
sexRating = 1.2;
case Sex.Female:
sexRating = 0.9;
return sexRating;

public double GetDestinationRating(Destination destination)
double destinationRating = 0;
switch (destination)
case Destination.UK:
destinationRating = 0.6;
case Destination.Europe:
destinationRating = 1.0;
case Destination.Worldwide:
destinationRating = 1.4;
return destinationRating;

public double GetTravelPeriodRating(int days)
if (days <= 7)
return 0.5;
else if (days <= 14)
return 0.9;
else if (days <= 30)
return 1.2;
return 0;

public double[] GetUpdatedPremium(double premium, double rate)
var updatedPremium = new double[2];
updatedPremium[0] = Math.Round((premium * rate), 2);
updatedPremium[1] = Math.Round((updatedPremium[0] - premium), 2);
return updatedPremium;

public CustomerPremium GetPremium(Customer customer, out string reason)
var customerPremium = new CustomerPremium();
customerPremium.Base = GetBasePremium(customer.TripType);
var ageRating = GetAgeRating(customer.Age);
if (ageRating == 0)
reason = "Age";
return null;
customerPremium.Age = GetUpdatedPremium(customerPremium.Base, ageRating);
var sexRating = GetSexRating(customer.Sex);
customerPremium.Sex = GetUpdatedPremium(customerPremium.Age[0], sexRating);
var destinationRating = GetDestinationRating(customer.Destination);
customerPremium.Destination = GetUpdatedPremium(customerPremium.Sex[0], destinationRating);
var travelPeriodRating = GetTravelPeriodRating(customer.TravelPeriod);
if (travelPeriodRating == 0)
reason = "TravelPeriod";
return null;
customerPremium.TravelPeriod = GetUpdatedPremium(customerPremium.Destination[0], travelPeriodRating);
customerPremium.Tax = GetUpdatedPremium(customerPremium.TravelPeriod[0], 1.05);
customerPremium.Total = customerPremium.Tax[0];
reason = string.Empty;
return customerPremium;


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Building Quotation engine program..

Answer / testndl002

DataLayer --> Common.cs

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace TravelInsuranceQuote.DataLayer
public enum Destination
public enum TripType
public enum Sex



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace TravelInsuranceQuote.DataLayer
public class Customer
public TripType TripType { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public Sex Sex {get; set;}
public Destination Destination {get; set;}
public int TravelPeriod {get; set;}
//public Customer(string Type, string Sex, string Destination, int Age, int Pot)
// Type = "singletrip";
// Sex = "male";
// Destination = "UK";
// Age = 20;
// Pot = 5;


DataLayer --> CustomerPremium.cs

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace TravelInsuranceQuote.DataLayer
public class CustomerPremium
public double Base { get; set; }
public double[] Age { get; set; }
public double[] Sex { get; set; }
public double[] Destination { get; set; }
public double[] TravelPeriod { get; set; }
public double[] Tax { get; set; }
public double Total { get; set; }

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Building Quotation engine program..

Answer / testndl002

PresentationLayer --> Program.cs

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using TravelInsuranceQuote.DataLayer;
using TravelInsuranceQuote.BusinessLayer;
using System.IO;

namespace TravelInsuranceQuote.PresentationLayer
public class Program

public static void Main(string[] args)
var customer = new Customer();

string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(@"D:\Test.txt");

foreach (var line in lines)
var nameValue = line.Split(new char[] { ':' });
switch (nameValue[0].ToLower())
case "triptype":
customer.TripType = ((nameValue[1].ToLower() == "single") ? TripType.Single : TripType.Annual);
case "sex":
customer.Sex = ((nameValue[1].ToLower() == "male") ? Sex.Male : Sex.Female);
case "destination":
customer.Destination = ((nameValue[1].ToLower() == "uk") ? Destination.UK :
((nameValue[1].ToLower() == "europe") ? Destination.Europe : Destination.Worldwide));
case "age":
customer.Age = Convert.ToInt32(nameValue[1]);
case "travelperiod":
customer.TravelPeriod = Convert.ToInt32(nameValue[1]);


//customer.TripType = ((Console.ReadLine().ToLower() == "single") ? TripType.Single : TripType.Annual);
//customer.Age = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
//customer.Sex = ((Console.ReadLine().ToLower() == "male") ? Sex.Male : Sex.Female); ;
// case "uk" :
// customer.Destination = Destination.UK;
// break;
// case "europe" :
// customer.Destination = Destination.Europe;
// break;
// case "worldwide" :
// customer.Destination = Destination.Worldwide;
// break;
//customer.TravelPeriod = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

string reason;
var customerPremium = new QuoteEngine().GetPremium(customer, out reason);

if (customerPremium != null)
Console.WriteLine("BasePremium({0}):{1}", customerPremium.Base, customerPremium.Base);
Console.WriteLine("Age({0}):{1}", customerPremium.Age[1], customerPremium.Age[0]);
Console.WriteLine("Sex({0}):{1}", customerPremium.Sex[1], customerPremium.Sex[0]);
Console.WriteLine("Destination({0}):{1}", customerPremium.Destination[1], customerPremium.Destination[0]);
Console.WriteLine("TravelPeriod({0}):{1}", customerPremium.TravelPeriod[1], customerPremium.TravelPeriod[0]);
Console.WriteLine("Tax({0}):{1}", customerPremium.Tax[1], customerPremium.Tax[0]);
Console.WriteLine("Total:{0}", customerPremium.Total);
Console.Write("Declined:" + reason);

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Building Quotation engine program..

Answer / perfdev

TravelInsuranceQuoteTests --> BusinessLayer -->QuoteEngineTests.cs

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using NUnit.Framework;
using TravelInsuranceQuote.DataLayer;
using TravelInsuranceQuote.BusinessLayer;

namespace TravelInsuranceQuoteTests.BusinessLayer
public class QuoteEngineTests
public void QuoteEngine_CanCreateObject()
var quoteEngine = new QuoteEngine();
Assert.That(quoteEngine, Is.Not.Null);
Assert.That(quoteEngine, Is.TypeOf<QuoteEngine>());

public void GetBasePremium_ValidSingleTripType_ReturnsPremium()
var quoteEngine = new QuoteEngine();

var premium = quoteEngine.GetBasePremium(TripType.Single);

Assert.That(premium, Is.EqualTo(20.00));

public void GetBasePremium_ValidAnnualTripType_ReturnsPremium()
var quoteEngine = new QuoteEngine();

var premium = quoteEngine.GetBasePremium(TripType.Annual);

Assert.That(premium, Is.EqualTo(80.00));

public void GetAgeRating_ValidAgeRange_ReturnsRating()
var quoteEngine = new QuoteEngine();

var rating = quoteEngine.GetAgeRating(50);

Assert.That(rating, Is.EqualTo(1.2));

public void GetAgeRating_HighAgeRange_ReturnsZero()
var quoteEngine = new QuoteEngine();

var rating = quoteEngine.GetAgeRating(90);

Assert.That(rating, Is.EqualTo(0));

public void GetSexRating_InputFemale_ReturnsRating()
var quoteEngine = new QuoteEngine();

var rating = quoteEngine.GetSexRating(Sex.Female);

Assert.That(rating, Is.EqualTo(0.9));

public void GetDestinationRating_InputWorlwide_ReturnsRating()
var quoteEngine = new QuoteEngine();

var rating = quoteEngine.GetDestinationRating(Destination.Worldwide);

Assert.That(rating, Is.EqualTo(1.4));

public void GetTravelPeriodRating_InputValidDays_ReturnsRating()
var quoteEngine = new QuoteEngine();

var rating = quoteEngine.GetTravelPeriodRating(10);

Assert.That(rating, Is.EqualTo(0.9));

public void GetUpdatedPremium_InputPremiumAndRate_ReturnsUpdatedPremiumAndDifference()
var quoteEngine = new QuoteEngine();

var updatedPremium = quoteEngine.GetUpdatedPremium(10.00, 2.0);

Assert.That(updatedPremium[0], Is.EqualTo(20.00));
Assert.That(updatedPremium[1], Is.EqualTo(10.00));

public void GetPremium_InputCustomer_ReturnsCustomerPremium()
var quoteEngine = new QuoteEngine();
var customer = new Customer {
TripType = TripType.Single,
Age = 20,
Sex = Sex.Male,
Destination = Destination.Europe,
TravelPeriod = 1
string reason;
var customerPremium = quoteEngine.GetPremium(customer, out reason);

Assert.That(customerPremium.Base, Is.EqualTo(20.00));
Assert.That(customerPremium.Age[0], Is.EqualTo(20.00));
Assert.That(customerPremium.Sex[1], Is.EqualTo(4.00));
Assert.That(customerPremium.Destination[0], Is.EqualTo(24.00));
Assert.That(customerPremium.TravelPeriod[1], Is.EqualTo(-12.00));
Assert.That(customerPremium.Tax[0], Is.EqualTo(12.60));
Assert.That(customerPremium.Total, Is.EqualTo(12.60));
Assert.That(reason, Is.EqualTo(string.Empty));

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