what is Severity / Prioity ? How do assian ? What are the
basic things followed?

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what is Severity / Prioity ? How do assian ? What are the basic things followed?..

Answer / chandra

Severity deals with the impact of the defect on the
functionality. I.e. how severely the functionality is
affected by the defect.

Priority deals with how fast the defect should be fixed.

1. If a Logo of some company is wrong, then the severity may
be low, but the priority is high.

2. If there is a crash in the application in a flow that is
very unlikely to use by the end user, then the severity may
be high, but the priority is low.

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what is Severity / Prioity ? How do assian ? What are the basic things followed?..

Answer / medhali

Just a latest experience of high severity and very low
priority.It was a blocking issue where i was not even able
to launch the application.It had obviously high severity
but its occurence was once in a 100 times so it had a very
low priority.

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