What is the difference between unit testing and
functionality testing ?

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What is the difference between unit testing and functionality testing ?..

Answer / sunithayagnamurthy

Unit testing:
Unit testing means It tested single peace
of code or module....
This test is conducted or white box test
enginner.whitebox test engineer should have internal skills

Functionality Testing:
Functionality testing Means it tested all the
functionality is working or not according to the customer
requirment ......this is called Functionalty testing

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 2 No

What is the difference between unit testing and functionality testing ?..

Answer / narendra

unit testing is performed by developer (or) white-box

functionality testing is performed by black-box testers

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What is the difference between unit testing and functionality testing ?..

Answer / madhav

unit testing means testing the application by module
wise.it is also called as component testing.it includes
statement coverage,branch coverage,loop coverage.

Functionality testing means testing the application wrt
funtional req.

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 4 No

What is the difference between unit testing and functionality testing ?..

Answer / rahul1st

Unit testing means testing the piece of code..

functonality testing means testning system functionality.
testing the overall and perticularbehaviors and functions.

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What is the difference between unit testing and functionality testing ?..

Answer / sudhakar8

In Unit Testing Tester is supposed to check each and every
micro function.In most case the Developer will do this
Functionality testing is to test against system
requirements and confirm that all the requirements are

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What is the difference between unit testing and functionality testing ?..

Answer / mahesh

At Coding Stage, programmers are verifying the internal
structure of every program with the hwlp of white box
testing techniques

Balck box type testing geared to functional requirements of
an application; this type of testing should be done by
testers. This doesn't mean that the programmers shouldn't
check that their code works before releasing it(which of
course applies to any stage of testing)

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 2 No

What is the difference between unit testing and functionality testing ?..

Answer / anjani dubey

Unit testing means testing the application by module
wise. In this testing covers statement coverage, branch
coverage, component and loop etc.
Unit testing covered by only developer.

Functionality testing means testing the application with
respect to function wise.

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What is the difference between unit testing and functionality testing ?..

Answer / yauri

I'd like to add more explanation about unit testing here as following:
unit testing is whitebox test which is used to test the single piece of code or module (commonly it will be a method of a class). But, in unit test, we are suppose to not using the high resource (e.g. database, web service, etc) and even we don't need to start the server (whole of the application). So, if there's a dependency with the secondary object (a.k.a collaborator), we can use "Test Double" technique (either Dummy, Fake, Stub, Mock). Usually i use Mock objects (e.g. mockito, power mock, easy mock, etc) to replace the real object for testing purpose.
And please notice that basically we can do the unit testing either after writing the production code or before writing any production code.
In extreme programming, we will write the unit test first before write any production code (read Uncle Bob's book ^_^). Commonly it recognized as "Test Driven Development".

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What is the difference between unit testing and functionality testing ?..

Answer / arun

->unit testing is performed by "Developer" ,after writing the code
-> Functional testing is performed by "Tester" .

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