ram is twice as old as rahim was when ram was as old as
rahim is now.and the combined age of ram and rahim is 210
years.what is ram 's age now?

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ram is twice as old as rahim was when ram was as old as rahim is now.and the combined age of ram ..

Answer / dayanand

ANS - 126
suppose present ram age is X and rahim age is Y.
so X+Y = 210
difference b/w ram and rahim age is Z
then X-Z=Y
as per the condition Z years ago
(X-Z) = 2* (Y-Z)
putting Y value
Z = x/3
so 2X-X/3=210
so x=126 years.

if the difference b/w two no is x and after deducting x
from both nos, frist no is twice larger then the second one
so at present frist no would be 3/5 of the sum of the no.
so value of the no is 3*210/5 = 126.

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ram is twice as old as rahim was when ram was as old as rahim is now.and the combined age of ram ..

Answer / paul

My answer is 126 years old (age of Ram).


let x = present age of Ram
y = present age of Rahim

when Ram has the present age of Rahim (y yrs. old), age of rahim is y/2 yrs. old. Since the differences of there age are the same for the 2 events, therefore...

x - y = y - y/2
x = 1.5y

but we are given, x + y = 210

Substituting the equation of x to that equation will give us...

1.5y + y = 210
y = 84

thus, x = 210 - 84
= 126 yrs. old -> age of Ram

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ram is twice as old as rahim was when ram was as old as rahim is now.and the combined age of ram ..

Answer / neha


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ram is twice as old as rahim was when ram was as old as rahim is now.and the combined age of ram ..

Answer / shalu


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ram is twice as old as rahim was when ram was as old as rahim is now.and the combined age of ram ..

Answer / badri

Ram is twice as old as Rahim was (Long ago)
Ram is 2X and Rahim is X

Ram was as old as Rahim is now.
Ram is 3X and Rahim is 2X

combined age of Ram and Rahim is 210 years
3X +2X = 210
5X = 210
X =42

Ram 's age = 3X = 3(42) = 126 years.

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