how can we load starting with 11th record of a table from
source to target

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how can we load starting with 11th record of a table from source to target..

Answer / akash

This scenario can also be implemented by using the
following query in Source Qualifier:

select * from table_name where rowid not in (select rowid
from table_name where rownum <= 10)

This will give the records after 10

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how can we load starting with 11th record of a table from source to target..

Answer / ajit

use sequence generator with port key to source rows and then
use filter condition key>11

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how can we load starting with 11th record of a table from source to target..

Answer / prabhu

If it a flat file u can use initial no of rows to skip
property while creating source definition.We can set it to
11 so that informatica will skip 11 rows while reading from


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how can we load starting with 11th record of a table from source to target..

Answer / murali gundeti

use sequence generator with port key to source rows and then
use filter condition key>10

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how can we load starting with 11th record of a table from source to target..

Answer / krish

take expression in exp take variable port(v1.......v1+1)and
take output port(in that give v1)send this o/p port to
router give the condition as v1>11.

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how can we load starting with 11th record of a table from source to target..

Answer / guest

it is not possible to take data from 11th records. because
consider this senario.. if u give select statement as
select column name1,2.... from table name where rownum<5;

this select statement wil work if u have 10 or more than 5
records in table.

now u r asking to load only from 11th record

so the query will be like this

select column name1,2,.... from table name where rownum>10;

it wil return emptyset only..

see the checking condition. it wil fetch the 1st record and
check rownum 1 > rownum 10. condition failed. so it wont go
to second record and results in empty set.

but in earlier case it wil fetch 1st record and checks
rownum 1 < rownum 5. condition satisfied. it wil load that
row and check for 2nd row and 3rd and so on until the
condition fails.

once the condition fails it wil come out.

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