What are the points to be considered while testing an
application on different browsers like firefox, opera,
mozilla, ie etc. on both windows & linux ??

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What are the points to be considered while testing an application on different browsers like firef..

Answer / prasant

1. Verify the UI of the application is same and constant
across all browsers.

2. Functionality should work as expected in all browsers.

3. All error messages, pop-up, java plugin dependency
should work fine across browsers.

4. Performance of application, like, loading time of
content should not vary across browsers.

5. TAB should navigate to the expected link and should be
common across browsers.

6. Stressing the application should not crash any broser.

7. Verify all check box/text fields should behave same.

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What are the points to be considered while testing an application on different browsers like firef..

Answer / guest


The points considered in testing application in diffrent
enviroments is.....

1.Check the GUI of the applicaton for diffrent browsers.

2. Go the Intial application screen in Each browser with
the same time and check the Viewable condition which means
that how the font is declaring in each screen and how the
popup screen or sub module screen are appering.

3.Check with the Client Requiremnts , If the Client
requirment having all the browsers

4.Check the application is user friendly and usablity
condition is all the browser with the Version too.

Thanks & Regards

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