why is testing necessary , explain with some examples?

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why is testing necessary , explain with some examples?..

Answer / rajkumar gholve

Testing is necessary for three reasons
1)To show that the application satisfies customers
2)To show that application is fit for purpose
3)To detect defects, so that they can be resolved by
development team.

E.g---->A banking application is delivered to customer with
few bugs in it. End user of bank will suffer some problem
due to bugs in application so he may quit using this bank
also can go for some legal actions. To prevent these kind of
scenarios testing is done. This is very general example.

Is This Answer Correct ?    47 Yes 3 No

why is testing necessary , explain with some examples?..

Answer / raj

because of improve the quality and increase the reliability
of the product.

if they any functionality of product is not working properly
like gui(text box,command box,etc )without testing being
done while end user use the application. it affects the

Is This Answer Correct ?    41 Yes 2 No

why is testing necessary , explain with some examples?..

Answer / santhosh

with out testing the product,how can we give the quality
product to the endusres .

so testing is necessary

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why is testing necessary , explain with some examples?..

Answer / selvakumar kandasamy

Many product should come for organization/company, not the customer/client for need to provide the quality product to customers.
The main reason for testing is to provide the 100% bug free product to customer, then only customer relationship with that company goes for long.

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why is testing necessary , explain with some examples?..

Answer / vax

Testing is needed to provide the various facilities to the users like delivery of high quality software or application, lower maintenance costs and more accurate and reliable results also.

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why is testing necessary , explain with some examples?..

Answer / sangeetha

Many types of tests are done before we can release the
system to the customer with confidence that it will work
properly.some tests depends on what is being tested:
components,group of components, subsystem or the entire
system. other tests depend on what we want to know: is the
system working according to the design?the requirements? the
customer's expectations?

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 7 No

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