Difference b/n Validation and verification?

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Difference b/n Validation and verification?..

Answer / n@n!

verification/quality assurence/un conventional :

1)it is the procress of verifing that developers develop
right product r not.
2)verification is a prevention activity.
3)verification can be don through review and walk through.

validation/quality control/conventional:

1)it is the procress of finding bugs to make sure that
the application is work under customer expectations r not.
2)validation is a correction activity.

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Difference b/n Validation and verification?..

Answer / amit verma

Verification:- Are v builiding the product right??

-Verfication process is related with Quality assurance.
-Verification verifies whether the product is developed
right or not(include process & functionlty)
-It include reviews,code walkthrough,inspection.

Validation:- R v building the right product.

-Validation process is related with Quality Control
-Under this,test the application whether it is develop as
per as customer specification or not.
-In Validation phase,Testing process takek place.

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Difference b/n Validation and verification?..

Answer / vinay

validation is a process where we find that the product is
giving all the functionallity as per coustomer requirements.

verification is a process where we find that the product is
developing as per the customer requirement within following
the companys rules.

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Difference b/n Validation and verification?..

Answer / girish

Verification - (Are we building product right?)
For this-
1. Staic testing takes place in each & every phase of
project mang. life cycle (walk though, reveiws etc about
2. We check that product making along with its
specification or not.

Validation - (Are we building right product?)
For this-
1. Dynamic Testing takes place in each & every madule when
completed. For testing we run each & every module.
2. Test these module & verfy those module work along with
its specification / customer expectation or not.

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Difference b/n Validation and verification?..

Answer / sree

Verification is a process of cross checking, are we
developing a right product (s/w application) or not.

validation is a process of cross checking, whether the
developed product/application is right or not according to
the customer requirement.

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Difference b/n Validation and verification?..

Answer / srujana

Validation is evaluation of a system or component to
deteermine whether it meets the user neeeds or expectations.
-checking that we have built the right system?
Verification is evaluation of document or system to
determine whether it meets user requiremments.
-checking that we have buit the system right?

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Difference b/n Validation and verification?..

Answer / dipali1811

Validation only check the validity.Verification first veriefy
the program and correct mistakes if any present and then
validate the program.

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Difference b/n Validation and verification?..

Answer / bond

Verificatio: Testing application with out comparing the
output result with some value XXXX

Validation: Testing the application with comparing the
output with some value XXXX

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 14 No

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