what is difference between regression testing and re-

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what is difference between regression testing and re- testing?..

Answer / shaily

retesting : rerunning of tests that failed earlier in order to verify the success of corrective action.

regression testing : testing of previously tested program following modification to ensure that the defects have not been introduced in the unchanged areas of s/w due to changes made...

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what is difference between regression testing and re- testing?..

Answer / rajeshkumar

Regression Testing-
If any changes are made to Particular Module in the
Application. After doing system testing on that Module, we
will do Regression on the Other Module which is releated to
that module(System Testing) to ensure that no impacts happen

IF you found any bug in the Application, we will track
it with Defect in QC,once development team fix the Bug they
will deploy the code to QA for RETEST.

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what is difference between regression testing and re- testing?..

Answer / n@n!

regression testing : testing the core functionalities and
dependency variables in the application is called
regression testing.

re-testing : testing the application after fixing the bugs
by the developers r any modified build is called re-

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what is difference between regression testing and re- testing?..

Answer / sara r.k

Regression Testing: Ensure that code change the particular
position (Module) in the Project , we need to check the
impact of the another Existing positon.

Re testing : Once the Developer has fix the Bug we need to
Retest the bug its called the Re testing

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what is difference between regression testing and re- testing?..

Answer / krishna

Regression Testing : It is conducted on the modified build.

Re Testing : Testing the existing build once again to confirm its validation.(Pass/Fail)

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what is difference between regression testing and re- testing?..

Answer / satish kumar

Regression testing( repeated testing) is a type of testing in which in already tested functionality is once again tested to check if the old bugs are rectified,
Retesting is a type of testing in which an already tested function is once again tested to reproduce the bug if at all any, to rule out the environment issues and to ensure functional robustness
regression testing is always performed from build #2 it can not be performed on build #1, Retesting is started from build #1 itself

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what is difference between regression testing and re- testing?..

Answer / kavitha

regression testing:on excuting previously passed all related
test cases on modified SUT to conform those modifications were
one correctly without and side correctly.
retesting:by excuting previously failed cases on modified
builds to conform correctness of modification.

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what is difference between regression testing and re- testing?..

Answer / santosh

Regression: Testing the test scripts if any changes done in
the perticular requirent.

Ex: In Cycle 1 (Pass1) you have exected all the scritps
without bug. In cycle 2, u;ll get change control for any
module, here you need to test the changed/affected one and
dependinces scripts on the other module.

Re-testing: testing the same scripst till a a defect is

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what is difference between regression testing and re- testing?..

Answer / shailesh kumar thakur

Re-Testing:-Reuse of existing Test Cases that have already been executed.

Regression Testing:-After the addition of new Specifications/Requirements, our previous functions are effected or Not.

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what is difference between regression testing and re- testing?..

Answer / ram.polavarapu

regression testing->once we receive the modified build from
the doveloper the regression test is going to conducted

re-testing->testing the same functionality with different
combination of data

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