What is C-FORM in hotels mean? What is the meaning of C?

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What is C-FORM in hotels mean? What is the meaning of C?..

Answer / ranjit

Yes, It is the Form which is mandatory to be filled by the
Guest of Foreign Nationality along with the details of
Passport, Visa , stay etc. This is the job of Front Office

Is This Answer Correct ?    269 Yes 17 No

What is C-FORM in hotels mean? What is the meaning of C?..

Answer / sumit k. oza

This form is for foreigner who visit in india its is
mandatory for all hotels. Should mention all deatils of
foreigner guest like Passport No., Date of Issue, Place of
Issue, Nationality, Came from, purpose of visit, duration
time stay in india, duration time stay in hotel, Whevther
he or she is emplyed in inda or not, Number , date and
office of issue certicate of Registration, Date of arrival
in hotel and time etc etc,. This form has to be sent in
Police Commissionr office within 24 hrs.

Is This Answer Correct ?    171 Yes 12 No

What is C-FORM in hotels mean? What is the meaning of C?..

Answer / sanjay jethi

Its a form used in front office, its is used for the foreigners ,fill at the time of check-in ,2 copies are made one is submitted to the FRRO(foreign regional registration office) and second one is kept by the department itself...it is compulsory to submitted it within 24hrs.......for pakistaini guest it's mandatory to submit within 12hrs.....every morning a c-form report is send by the hotels to the FRRO office...........details which contain are - name ,nationality , passport no, passport issue date and palace of issue and address too..............

Is This Answer Correct ?    152 Yes 9 No

What is C-FORM in hotels mean? What is the meaning of C?..

Answer / k.abida kaiser

it is the which is filled by the NRI'S or FROREINER.

Is This Answer Correct ?    75 Yes 25 No

What is C-FORM in hotels mean? What is the meaning of C?..

Answer / naveen

c-from is the registration form for the foreigner guest only.
One copy send to the FRRO(foreigner regional registration office)because they used to keep an eye or recording all the movement of the foreigner guest.

Is This Answer Correct ?    46 Yes 5 No

What is C-FORM in hotels mean? What is the meaning of C?..

Answer / sameer

it is filled by the foreigner guest.in which their is all
detail abt the latest visa,passport no.,from where they are
coming and where they are going,purpose of arrival. c
stands for chech in form

Is This Answer Correct ?    48 Yes 13 No

What is C-FORM in hotels mean? What is the meaning of C?..

Answer / arun

it is the form filled by the f.o dept...... the foreign
guest who arrive in the hotel it is mandatory to fill up..
this is include the details of possport and visa

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 5 No

What is C-FORM in hotels mean? What is the meaning of C?..

Answer / sujith

it is a form which we are using to update the details of the foreign visitors through online and we have to submit a copy of this form to the local police station.FRRO is the bookmark for the C form updation and which is standing for foreigner regional registration office.commonly there is two three meanings using for the particular word 'C'.In the word form C 'C' stands for civilization/check in/country and it never means carbon copy

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 5 No

What is C-FORM in hotels mean? What is the meaning of C?..

Answer / apurva kadam

c form is a form where the front office desk have to fill the detail of the guest if they guest have came to india. information consist of his/her. issued passport date till what date is that valid his visa detail till what time he is going to stay taht your hotel
first it was sent to police station now it is done through mail to know whether he /she is the same person who is residing in your country.

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 6 No

What is C-FORM in hotels mean? What is the meaning of C?..

Answer / vincent

c form is mandatory for all the hotels it is safe and proof.

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 3 No

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