What is the difference between Smoke testing & Sanity

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What is the difference between Smoke testing & Sanity Testing?..

Answer / laxman

Smoke testing: It is a single test case, which cover all the
functionalities in a single test case.
It verifies the major functionalities at high level in order
to determine if further testing is possible or not?
The Smoke test scenario should emphasize breath more than
the depth.
It is conducted before the performance testing.

Sanity testing: It is to check the application, where the
application is stable or not?
This is done by before the putting major testing effort.

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What is the difference between Smoke testing & Sanity Testing?..

Answer / naveen

Smoke Test: When a build is received, a smoke test is run
to ascertain if the build is stable and it can be
considered for further testing.
Smoke testing can be done for testing the stability of any
interim build.
Smoke testing can be executed for platform qualification
Sanity testing:
Once a new build is obtained with minor revisions, instead
of doing a through regression, a sanity is performed so as
to ascertain the build has indeed rectified the issues and
no further issue has been introduced by the fixes. Its
generally a subset of regression testing and a group of
test cases are executed that are related with the changes
made to the app.

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What is the difference between Smoke testing & Sanity Testing?..

Answer / anjali

as per book their is not as such difference in this only
spelling is different and process is same
in industry sum time in sanity testing modules r also get

smoke testing : checking testability of the build i.e
whether the build is stable or not.is it ready to test or not

sanity testing : checking module wise .

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