what is severity?explain with example

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what is severity?explain with example..

Answer / akash patel

Severity means , What is the impact of the BUG ???
Means u have to clarify or solve the bug as per how this bug
impact on this applications.

There are three types of severity like , Low, Medium and High

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what is severity?explain with example..

Answer / basava raju

Severity is degree of impact of the bud/defect on the
functionality of the product. This is decided by tester
based on product functional knowldege of the product.

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what is severity?explain with example..

Answer / karuna

Severity means for a functionality and stability of a
1. If the core functionality is missing-> Blocker (Like if
the product is not opening itself)
2. If the functionality is deviating w.r.t requirment specs
then it is major/critical().
3. Cosmetic defects can be minor.

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what is severity?explain with example..

Answer / amit kumar

Severity is degree of defect which tells that how badly or
technically bug is affecting the functionality.
Severity Types -


This is not related with business logic.

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what is severity?explain with example..

Answer / mohamed

where you guys study these?

i have no idea.. pls suggest me few topics to know about these..

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what is severity?explain with example..

Answer / pooja

Severity is some thing which has impact on the
functionality of the system which directly impacts the cost.

Severity is to be decided by the tester.

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what is severity?explain with example..

Answer / rajkumar

Severity- Severity of the bug refers to the impact of the
bug on the Application Under Test. Severity is always
assigned by the tester. Severity types can differ from
company to company.
Generally there are 4 types

1) Critical e.g. Application Crash or Data loss
2) High e.g Application crash but does not result
in data loss
3)Medium- e.g Functionality not working but can be done
other way around
Low- e.g. Cosmetics bugs have the lowest severity.

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what is severity?explain with example..

Answer / bibhu

while raising issue we consider severity of the issue.
severity is nothingbut how this issue badly effect in the

E.g database issue,integratin related issue and business
logiac related issue we consider high severity.

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what is severity?explain with example..

Answer / amit verma

Severity defines the Seriousness of the Bug.And its always
raised by a Tester.

Amit Verma

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what is severity?explain with example..

Answer / krish

There are two different kind of defects are there to
determine the severity.
1. Review defects
2. Test defects.

Both the defects Severites are classified into 4 different
types of Severity.

1. Critical
2. Major
3. Minor
4. Cosmetic

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 6 No

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