while initialization of two dimensional arrays we can
initialize like a[][2] but why not a[2][] is there any
reason behind this?

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while initialization of two dimensional arrays we can initialize like a[][2] but why not a[2][] is..

Answer / prady

2 dimension array a[row][col]; in this 'col' indicates size
of block,and 'row' indicates no. of blocks.
Compiler prefer memory unit size first rather no.of memory

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while initialization of two dimensional arrays we can initialize like a[][2] but why not a[2][] is..

Answer / vignesh1988i

the main reason behind this is that, if we specify the
columns instead of rows we can easily find out the number of
rows in the matrix...... but if we give just row number we
cant predict the number of columns...... that's why !!!!!!

thnak u

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while initialization of two dimensional arrays we can initialize like a[][2] but why not a[2][] is..

Answer / kathir

Lets assume an arry arr[][3] = {..};
if you want to refer arr[1][2] then the reference to the
element will be identified using the following formula,
arr[1*NoOfColoumns(=3) + 2](you can consider it as a single
dimension array storing values in sequence).
Hence to get the address of any element in the array you
only require column info NOT rows.Thats why compiler does
not bother about no of rows!

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while initialization of two dimensional arrays we can initialize like a[][2] but why not a[2][] is..

Answer / subhrajeet sairam mohanty

2 dimension array a[row][col]; in this 'col' indicates size
of block,and 'row' indicates no. of blocks.
Compiler prefer memory unit size first rather no.of memory

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