can anybody tell me that how many days required to complete
1000 test cases.And what would be the avg testcase perday
for a tester.

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can anybody tell me that how many days required to complete 1000 test cases.And what would be the ..

Answer / sureshsinghbhandari

Test Case Preparation and Execution depends on the client requirement,

If Requirement is simple then it goes upto 25-30 Test Cases Per day
If Requirement is Complex then it goes upto 8-10 Test Cases Per Day

Similar for the Execution...

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can anybody tell me that how many days required to complete 1000 test cases.And what would be the ..

Answer / srinivasa gh

It depends on the requirement keys on which test cases were
written and depends on how many test machines you are going
to run.
if all the test cases were automatable and are simple, then
i feel you can execute with in 1 or 2 days.

it all depends on number of resources, number of testers,
on requirement keys, and depends on easiness of test cases.

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