Hai can anybody give me an idea about writing automated
test cases in qtp using VB scprit.please respond as quicky
as possible.

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Hai can anybody give me an idea about writing automated test cases in qtp using VB scprit.please r..

Answer / sreedevi

Hi u can check...

http://www.w3schools.com/vbscript/default.asp for the
whole VB script. here you can find conditional statements,
loop statements and introduction to VB.


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Hai can anybody give me an idea about writing automated test cases in qtp using VB scprit.please r..

Answer / sireesha

For any of the script in qtp first check the
textboxes,table names,checkboxex,buttons.radio button etc
based on ta we need to create the script in the mean it
shud ended up wit dots,not actually sytanx of vb script but
jus an example is vbwindow("table name/applcation
name").vbedit("text/label name").set"the value we assign to
eg: if for text of enterg a name
if for button then instead of set we vbwindow

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