1. What is the difference between a bug and a defect
2. What is the difference between retesting and regression
3. Explain bug life cycle

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1. What is the difference between a bug and a defect 2. What is the difference between retesting an..

Answer / yashwant singh

Ans1) In my opinion bug and defects are one and the same
thing. i.e variance between expected and actual result is
called bug/ defect. But the terminology can be used in
specific situation. When a variance is found by developer
during development of application it is termed as 'BUG'
while if any variance is found during Testing phase it is
called 'Defect'.

Ans2) Retesting: is testing the generated defect again to
check if it is fixed by the developer or not.

Regression Testing: is rechecking the fundamental operation
of an application in order to identify that any change
occurred in code base has not caused any error in basic
functionality of an application.

Retesting is always done as against a specific defect while
regression testing is done to check if any defect has
occurred due to change in some code.

Retesting is done after defect is solved while Regression
testing is done before defect gets released to production

Ans3) Bug Life Cycle

New-->Approval-->Open-->Work in progress-->Work Completed-->
Retest-->Reject or Closed (if it is rejected then the next
status would be Reopen)

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1. What is the difference between a bug and a defect 2. What is the difference between retesting an..

Answer / eng. haider hardan

Defect: error appearing but doesn't mentioned in the requirements.
Bug: Any thing doesn't match the requirement.

Retesting: do same test again. when we said retest the project which is mean detailed test for this project.
but when we do a retest for a bug this is called resgression.
Regression test never done befor bug become fixed
Check if it is fixed by the developer or not.

Ans3) Bug Life Cycle

Tester find a bug-->New (open) --> Assign to QA lead or Dev Lead
QA lead --> DEV Lead
DEv Lead --> Devloper
Dveloper --> (Fix | Not Abug | Later | More Info | Invalid)
ReAssign --> Dev Lead --> QA Lead --> Tester
Tester --> recheck --> close or reopen
If it Reopen --> repate all above proccess

QA open (new)-->Dev Maintinace (Fix|not abug|etc.)--> QA regression (Close | Reopen)

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