Hi everybody. In an interview i was asked to write the ECP
for the range (1-10).

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Hi everybody. In an interview i was asked to write the ECP for the range (1-10)...

Answer / sandeep

ECP means Equivalence case partition ..... for this case
test data will be (any number less than 1 )-(any no between
1 to 10)-(any number greater than 10)...for ex-(0,1,11)

Is This Answer Correct ?    28 Yes 5 No

Hi everybody. In an interview i was asked to write the ECP for the range (1-10)...

Answer / roli

ECP means Equivalent class partioning.In this method we
devide a data into multiple equivalent classes where we
assume that a data of perticular aclass is representing
whole class .as per question there is not mentioned how to
choose the class.you can take as many classes you
want.according to BVA there should be 2 invalid data&one
valid data.the invalid data should be
lowerboundryvalue-1 i.e value is 0 & upper boundry value+1
i.e valuue is11&valid data should be any value between1&10

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Hi everybody. In an interview i was asked to write the ECP for the range (1-10)...

Answer / rahul

ECP means Equivalence class partioning.
you have limitation for picking the test data means lower
boundary is 1 and upper boundary is 10.
Now as per BVA (Boundary value analysis)you have 3 sets of
data - two invalid data and one valid data.
since lower boundary is 1 then 1st invalid data would be 0
(according to min-1)and 2nd invalid data would be 11
(according to max+1). And valid data would be 1 and 10 since
these are the boundary. Now as per the requirement it is not
mentioned that which type of data you have to select so
assume all class. so think how many types of input we can
give from keyboard.(alpha, numeric,special character,alpha
numeric,numeric special character,alpha numeric special
We created our class as well as we have boundary condition.
As per BVA 1st invalid data we can't create since it is 0,
it means null. Now come to the lower boundary that is 1 so
we can create test data as a,A,1,@,similarly prepare your
test data for upper boundary (for alpha create lower case
and upper case as well)and for beyond upper boundary that is
11.Create test data for only 11 character not for 12 or
greater then 11.

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Hi everybody. In an interview i was asked to write the ECP for the range (1-10)...

Answer / priya

ECP means Equivalence case partition ..... for this case
test data will be (given range less than 1 )-(any num given
range between 1 to 10 ie valid num)-(given range greater
than 10)...for ex-(0,5,11)

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Hi everybody. In an interview i was asked to write the ECP for the range (1-10)...

Answer / gaurav goel

I guess all the above answers are referring Boundary Value
Analysis and not Equivalence Partioning as in BVA we check
the case at the boundaries , but in ECP we divide the input
domain into classes of data and do not check the input
domain at the boundaries.So we will check the case in two
classes like one (1-5)in which we will check for any value
falling in between this range and similarly the other is (6-
10).Pls correct me if I am wrong.


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Hi everybody. In an interview i was asked to write the ECP for the range (1-10)...

Answer / rahul

Equivalence class partition
Valid Invalid
(0-9) upper case (A-Z)
special characters lower case (a-z)

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Hi everybody. In an interview i was asked to write the ECP for the range (1-10)...

Answer / annie

ECP - Equivalence case partition

let condition will be 1>=10

we suppose to check -1,0,1 and
10,11 etc..

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Hi everybody. In an interview i was asked to write the ECP for the range (1-10)...

Answer / queenie29

Gaurav is correct. Everybody above is referring to BVA not ECP - they both are different.

We have to divide the input data into different classes for Valid input and for Invalid data the rest (like alpha, alpha-numeric,numbers except 1-10, special chars) can be considered.

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Hi everybody. In an interview i was asked to write the ECP for the range (1-10)...

Answer / rajtelco04

Hi Sandeep , I totally agree with answer.Thanx buddy.May I
get ur email id.

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Hi everybody. In an interview i was asked to write the ECP for the range (1-10)...

Answer / rakesh

Hi buddy u can contact me @ p4pajji@gmail.com

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 3 No

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