what is different Between Risk and Issue ?

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what is different Between Risk and Issue ?..

Answer / ashish

Risk is a measure of the potential inability to achieve
overall program objectives within the defined cost,
schedule and technical constraints. There are two
components associated with risk: - The probability or
likelihood of failing to achieve a particular outcome - The
consequences or impacts of failing to achieve that outcome
An issue is midlevel between a risk and a problem.

A risk is identified as a potential problem and should be
monitored throughout the life of the program. Once the risk
is shown to increase in its risk rating it becomes an issue
and special action or management attention may be required
to keep the issue from becoming a problem.

Industry View: (As outlined in the PMBOK)
Risk is a potential condition or event that could have
either a positive or negative effect on a project's
objectives if it occurs.
Issues in industry are called triggers, risk symptoms, or
warning signs. Triggers indicate when a risk has or is
about to occur.

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what is different Between Risk and Issue ?..

Answer / jammy

risk is nothing but challenges u face in testing entire
project where as issue is nothing but unexpected behaviour
of the system that is built

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what is different Between Risk and Issue ?..

Answer / srinivas

Risk and Issue

In fact these two words are depend on one by one or linked
with one and another while face the problem that's called
issue to do solve it called risk means solving time and
total it depends on the Issue how much big or small and
other .......then we got information about it. Means those
are linked words but Good question......

if u like one thing if to do it so much problem is there
then you take more risk because this was liked by u. that's
risk. Issue by mistake or forgot things in the working time
or misbehavior time it's called issue means while we didn't
accept our mistake then so many chances to called issue
because then we talked that time over or etc.... it's my
opinion only

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