Genetics Interview Questions
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what is parkinson's gene?

2 3774

What is gene expression

1 3065

differentiate Mitosis and Meiosis ?

7 13594

what is Regeneration ?

1 2376

what is Punnett square ?

2 4133

what are the sex linked traits in humanbeings?

2 3775

what are splice junction mutations?

1 3470

Does unwinding DNA cause aging?


Is Jurassic Park -- Completely impossible?


Is Recombination in Human Mitochondrial DNA really possible?


what is the Impact Of Gene Cloning?

1 3813

Has vitamin c been produced in a human naturally before?


How do you recognise that it is deoxyribose nucleic acid?

2 3495

what is Sickle Cell Anemia ?

2 3763

what causes heterosexuality?


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Un-Answered Questions { Genetics }

What is your personal opinion regarding genetic engineering and human cloning?


Explain steps involved in transcription?


In cucumbers normal leaves (N) are dominant to curled leaves (n) and elongated fruit (L) is dominant to spherical fruit and these genes are linked on the same chromosome. If a pure-breeding normal-leaved, elongated fruit cucumber is crossed with a curled-leaved, spherical fruit cucumber, what will be the phenotype of the F1? the phenotypic ratio of the F2?


A base deletion occurs in the regulator gene of the LAC operon. Describe how the operation of the LAC operon might be affected?


what are the genetical reasons behind obesity?


In horses coat color is dependent upon genes as follows: A_B_ results in bay, aaB_ in black, A_bb in chestnut, aabb in liver. In addition, palimino is derived by Dd with chestnut. A palimono stallion (DdAAbb) is crossed with a palimino mare (DdAAbb). What percent of the offspring will be palimino?


Is Genetic engineering the best of solution?


How to construct Genetic Code?


what causes heterosexuality?


What is the chemical composition of gene?


how to Create population with sufficient genetic diversity ?


Flower position, stem length, and seed shape were three traits that were studied by Mendel. Each is controlled by an independently assorting gene. If a plant that is heterozygous for all three traits was allowed to self- fertilize, what proportion of the offspring would be expected to show all three dominant phenotypes?


Why would farmers, doctors, and manufacturers be interested in Genetic Engineering?


In mice colored coat is dominant to albinism. Sniffles, a male mouse with a colored coat is mated to Esmeralda, an alluring albino. The resulting litter of six young all had colored fur. The next time around Esmeralda was mated with Whiskers, who was the same color as Sniffles; some of this litter were white. a)What are the probable genotypes of Sniffles, Esmeralda, and Whiskers? b) If a male of the 1st litterwas mated to a colored female of the 2nd litter, what phenotypic ratio might be expected among the offspring? c)What would be the expected results if a male of the 1st litter was mated to an albino from the 2nd?


What are the down sides of Genetic Engineering?