BlackBerry OS Interview Questions
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What is Blackberry technology? What is Blackberry technology? 

1 1680

What is 'Gateway Of Last Resort'?

1 1944

Explain about Blackberry Enterprise Server

1 1798

What is Multicasting? Explain the different types of hosts in Multicasting. 

1 1724

Explain the use of RTP and RTCP protocols (Real-Time Transfer Control Protocols). 

1 1850

Explain the concept of CDMA. 

1 1995

Explain about BlackBerry OS?

1 1817

List the features of BlackBerry Storm 2?

1 1797

What are the CDA(corporate data access) advantages of BlackBerry technology?

1 1856

How to find out which BlackBerry OS version is on device?

1 1852

How to update device to a newer version of the BlackBerry OS?

1 1819

What is BlackBerry World?

1 1755

How to Increase BlackBerrys File free memory?

1 1781

How to Wipe / Load OS Using BBSAK?

1 2166

How to Remove an I.T. Policy from a BlackBerry?

1 1934

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Un-Answered Questions { BlackBerry OS }

Explain the email advantages of blackberry technology?


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What are the advantages of blackberry technology?


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What are the requirements for the icon and screenshots?


Explain the concept of dhcp?


Who can submit applications through the blackberry app world vendor portal?


how to navigate between screens in an app? : Blackberry tablet os


Explain how to increase blackberrys file free memory?


Can we send end users a message to renew or re-purchase an application?


Explain about the CPU used in Blackberry technology?