IT Management Interview Questions
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i was looking for a general example for time management and how everything is linked together so i can have a complete picture. when i say link i mean with OM and PA and work schedule,planned working time, other relevant infotypes, personnel area and subarea and their groupings, etc...


why prototype is used?


1 3727

In SAP Business Objects XI R3.1,4.0 Central Configuration Manager is down means what we have to do?



How retrive the deleted file frm UAT by doing migration in SAP BO 4.0



I'm working with a crosstab in cognos now. Page 1 contains crosstab Page 2 contains list Fact - Revenue Dimension - Product line, Year If I click on the revenue (cell value) it should goto the particular record in another list which is located in a separate page. However, the fact could not be bookmarked. I don't know why. Do you have suggestions? Thanks in advance.

Thought Works,


what is your self n what is your hobise n why?

1 6076

If you are a team lead in any IT company, and two employees are under your supervision. If one employee is good and other cannot behave professionally and personally, then how will you handle this situation?



Which managerial function gives attention to influencing and motivating employees to improve performance and achieve corporate objectives?

3 9622

what is the difference between BI and BW security?


what is variable?


6. Assume that a data stream is 01011100. Encode this stream using the following encoding schemes: a) RZ encoding b) Manchester c) Differential Manchester d) NRZ-L e) NRZ-I


1 3852

a. Explain the three (3)  Facets of Supply Chain b. Explain the work of logistics c. Explain the three (3) description of customers d. Explain the importance of information technology in logistics


Does S5700-24TP-SI-AC support dual power?

2 2837

Cisco vs HP vs IBM vs Dell

1 2444

Problem about Huawei S5700 in eNSP


1 4560

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Un-Answered Questions { IT Management }

What are the key performance indicators of Business process analyst?


Do you personally involved with Major incident process ? If yes, how do you manage it in your present organization ? explain with real scenario !


What id the meaning of MIS ? MIS nasure, charactersitcs, purpose ? how can the leanr about them ?


What is computer-based information system (CBIS) mean?


purpose of assigning Field Status Variant to Company code??


If you are a team lead in any IT company, and two employees are under your supervision. If one employee is good and other cannot behave professionally and personally, then how will you handle this situation?


What unique experience or qualifications separate you from other candidates?


Can you help me what kind of PM interview questions company can ask based on below job description?: *Work with business development, editorial, marketing and other departments as needed to understand and prioritize project requests. *Work with online creative, IT, and development departments to gather and disseminate project requirements. *Maintain weekly web projects production calendar *Assist in the quality assurance process associated with code releases to development, staging and production servers. *Participate in planning meetings for new site initiatives. Document, clarify and articulate requirements and bring thoughts to the discussion. *Distribute reports summarizing project milestones and associated tasks. *Create rough wireframes and functional diagrams for developers using Microsoft Visio. *Work with third party vendors to procure services associated with web development. *Work with our partners to ensure deliverables and associated tasks stay on track. Can you help me what kind of PM question company can ask based on above job description?


what is erp manufacturing perspective??


hi i am doing cause study about Enterprising young IT Entrepreneur who has recently started a small business running web hosting services for SME (Small to Medium Enterprise). You frequently need to meet (potential) clients to sell your services to them. You do so with presentations and demonstrations of your products. You will also want to install certain development software for your software development projects. So what software to use? need a server? what types of hosting should i use?


In the creation of the material master if user maintains MRP Type as ‘VB’ (Manual reorder point planning) unless until user will not maintain the Reorder point Qty & fixed lot size Qty system will not allow creating the material which is right process. Hence the same rule should be applied for MRP Type ‘ND’ also. So that user cannot fill the MRP Data unless he will not choose ‘VB’


Why general ledger accounts require "post automatically" setting in SAP??


i am going for the IT Officer written test,can any body mail me the question bank to


cost accounting is a tool for dicission making expline


what is variable?