ETL Interview Questions
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When do we analyze the tables? How do we do it?


When do we use dynamic cache and static cache in connected and unconnected lookup transformations? Difference between stop and abort


What is etl process? How many steps etl contains?


How many steps etl contains?


What is a mapping?


What are materialized views & where do we use them?


State the differences between shortcut and reusable transformation


Explain about round-robi?


What are snapshots? What are materialized views & where do we use them? What is a materialized view log?


What is a materialized view log?


In informatica, I have 10 records in my source system. I need to load 2 records to target for each run. How do I do this?


What are snapshots?


What are the differences between sql override and update override?


What is partitioning? Explain about round-robin, hash partitioning.


Explain about hash partitioning?


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Un-Answered Questions { ETL }

what is session partitioning?


Can we create Hierarchies in generic datasources?


Do we need an etl tool?


Dear All, Can anyone tell me that from where i can get Power Center 8.5 S/W for Linux and how can i install Power Center 8.5 or any 7.x series on Linux Platform. Thanks in advance


What is Data Vault???


1.Identify and discuss the problems which are occurred during data quality verification for the single-source and multi-source problems. 2.Testing has very important role in DWH. In ETL testing phase, how can we perform the integration testing and regression testing? 3.What are the perquisites of system testing and regression testing in ETL phase?


what are the data sources extracted from logistics cockpit in sap bw project and what is the requirement for it ?


HI, Anybody is having informatica Dumps,if it there Can u send to my mail id


5. How many repositories can we create in Informatica? 6. What is surrogate key? 7. What is difference between Mapplet and reusable transformation? 8. What is aggregate awareness? 9. Explain reference cursor? 10. What are parallel querys and query hints? 11. DWH architecture? 12. What are cursors? 13. Advantages of de normalized data? 14. What is operational data source (ODS)? 15. What is meta data and system catalog? 16. What is factless fact schema? 17. What is confirmed dimension? 18. What is the capacity of power cube? 19. Difference between PowerPlay transformer and power play reports? 20. What is IQD file? 21. What is Cognos script editor? 22. What is difference macros and prompts? 23. What is power play plug in? 24. Which kind of index is preferred in DWH? 25. What is hash partition? 26. What is DTM session? 27. How can you define a transformation? What are different types of transformations in Informatica? 28. What is mapplet? 29. What is query panel? 30. What is a look up function? What is default transformation for the look up function? 31. What is difference between a connected look up and unconnected look up? 32. What is staging area? 33. What is data merging, data cleansing and sampling? 34. What is up date strategy and what are th options for update strategy? 35. OLAP architecture? 36. What is subject area? 37. Why do we use DSS database for OLAP tools?


how do u really know that paging to disk is happening while u are using a lookup transform?


What are the names of the layers in etl?


what is the difference between cubes and package in cognos


Explain about enterprise scalability and roi of data integration suite?


what are the production issues in datastage?


how does the server recongnise the source and target databases.Elaborate on this